Hi Michael, Fred, & GnuCash users, 

This is an interesting topic! 

The points that Michael brings up about tax implications made me wonder
if your gold investment produces a 1099 and if so, what type of 1099 it

Which is another way of wondering if it is classified as interest income
(1099-INT - https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1099-int), capital
gains income or dividend income (1099-DIV -
https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1099-div) or mineral rights
(1099-MISC - https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1099-misc)...? 


Brad - https://www.facebook.com/brad.morrison.12327/ &

On 2025-01-02 13:24, Michael or Penny Novack via gnucash-user wrote:

> On 1/2/2025 11:24 AM, Fred Tydeman wrote: 
>> I have an investment in gold (so many ounces).
>> That investment earns "interest" payable in gold (not USD).
>> When I try to setup a new Income account,
>> the only Namespace offered is Currencies.
>> If I try to add a fake currency of Gold,
>> I do not get the Currencies Namespace.
>> I could guess at the price per ounce of gold at that payable date
>> and record the income as USD.
>> Any better suggestions?
> Consult tax professionals (and/or the IRS). As far as I can tell not YET a 
> gnucash question and the same true for other commodities like Bitcoin. I 
> would FIRST want to see a ruling about whether this IS income or only later 
> (when sold) income/capital gain. The fact that "gold bugs" want gold treated 
> as if it were currency doesn't make it so. Legally NOT currency in the US for 
> just shy of 100 years.
> NOTE:  Seeing it as income (even though a commodity) because you think a 
> commodity not subject to increase is lack of imagination. Suppose your 
> commodity were 100 cows? << couldn't they have calves? >>
> Michael D Novack
> PS: IF the IRS says is current income at the then valuation date think about 
> a transaction where you BOUGHT that amount of gold, SOLD that amount of gold, 
> received that amount as dollars. Do you have transactions (when taken 
> together) that have debits and credits to your bank account that cancel each 
> other
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