> On Nov 23, 2024, at 5:43 PM, Chris Skudder <cskud...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I know about Edit > Prefs > General > Path Head for Linked Files
> Relative Paths - but it doesn't make sense to use it in Xubuntu because
> I keep other books with the same Gnucash application, for which the
> supporting documentation is in different folder locations.

This is one of the issues that seems could use more flexibility.  In this case 
(and I expect most cases) the root for linked files should be a property of the 
book, not GC itself, because the documents go with the book and different books 
almost certainly have disjoint sets of documents, i.e., different roots for 
linked files.  I hope someone with better knowledge of the GC code base than me 
can propose a patch to introduce a document link as a book-specific property.

In the meantime, you can always reset the document root whenever you switch 

If you really need to fix up an existing book, you can edit the paths in the 
xml file, but be sure you know what you are doing.


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