You commented on and I just 
confirmed that your stacktraces matches that supplied by the original poster. 
You don't need to do anything more.
John Ralls

> On Nov 4, 2024, at 12:09 PM, Ed Greenberg <> wrote:
> I'm running the Gnucash 5.5 that comes with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Specifically, 
> Version: 5.5 Build ID: 5.5+(2023-12-16) Finance::Quote: 1.59
> I imported a CSV a while back, (first few lines shown below) but now I'm 
> getting an unexpected program crash.  I'll show the first few lines of the 
> log under the first few lines of the import file.
> Reinvestment,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade:Equities:UNP,0.023,-5.45,244.82079,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> 04/01/2024,14.880000 ALLSPRING MMKT PREMIER REINVEST PRICE $ 1 As of 
> 03/28/2024,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend 
> Reinvestment,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade:Funds:WMPXX,14.88,-14.88,1,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> 04/01/2024,UNION PACIFIC CORP REC 04/01/2024 PAY 04/01/2024 RATE 0.00000000 
> QTY 0.00000000,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend,400-Income:Dividend 
> Income:UNP,5.45,5.45,,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> PAYMENT,CURRENCY::USD,Dividend,400-Income:Dividend 
> Income:WMPXX,14.88,14.88,,y,100-Assets:Investments:E*Trade
> additional lines (36 of them)
> Log file shows nothing of value:
> mod    trans_guid    split_guid    time_now    date_entered    date_posted    
> acc_guid    acc_name    num    description    notes    memo    action    
> reconciled    amount    value    date_reconciled
> -----------------
> ===== START
> ===== END
> additional lines of START and END
> My columns were set as:
> Date,Description,Commodity,Number,Full Account 
> Name,Amount,Value,Price,Reconcile,Transfer Account
> Notes:
> I set the date, properly, for m-d-y and I set Character Separated and Comma.
> I get as far as the "Import Preview" screen, and then the "Match Import and 
> Gnucash accounts"  but never get to the "Match Transactions" page.
> The program just "Goes Away"  It leaves it's lock file behind.
> If the Import settings were freshly created, even if the green save icon was 
> hit, those settings are not available when restarted.
> That's about all the observations I have.
> Does anybody have any ideas? Should I open a formal bug? Uninstall and 
> install 5.9 from a flatpack? Anything else?
> Thanks,
> Ed Greenberg
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