OK, upgrading to GC v5.9.1 fixes the problem.  Opening the same *.gnucash file 
and exporting yields only one line per split, as expected.

Apparently, this is not a known issue for earlier versions, but there may still 
be problems.


> On Oct 18, 2024, at 3:39 PM, Brook Milligan via gnucash-user 
> <gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> See below.
>> On Oct 18, 2024, at 2:54 PM, Mark at Lorimark <m...@lorimarksolutions.com> 
>> wrote:
>> really odd!
> Yes, that’s why I’m asking.
>> Here's what I'd suggest;
>> 1. go in to your register 'assets:bank'
>> 2. edit only 1 row
>> 3. change the 'dollars' to some other number
>> 4. re-export your data
> No change.  There are still the same duplicate records after doing this.
>> My expectation; two of those lines would change (one line for each
>> side/split)
> Yes, my expectation too.
>> The export file looks totally wrong.  It is showing the same transaction
>> ID for each and every line, and that's just totally wrong.  I'd like to
>> look at your file directly, if you're interested.  I'm very curious!
> In this case there actually are 4 splits, so my expectation is that there 
> should be 4 lines with the same transaction ID.  The problem is that each of 
> the 4 distinct lines is replicated a total of 3 times.
> As a check, I created a new book and imported the unique set of transactions 
> from the first (i.e., the exported file sorted with “sort -u”) and 
> re-exported the transactions.  That set still had the duplicates.  Thus, 
> there must be something about the export process that is creating duplicates.
> Is this a known issue?
> Cheers,
> Brook
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