The GnuCash financial data is kept in a file, and this is one you must back
up. I have mine on my home NAS, so that all computers and OSs can access
it. The file name is "something".gnucash, and this should absolutely be a
file that you backup. To move your file to a new location, copy it to the
new location, open GnuCash and manually open the new location (File->Open).
This will probably be the default, but when it opens correctly, I would
delete the file from the old location just to force it to use the new

I am not going to recommend backup programs - there are a multitude for
Windows, and you can do your own Google search.

Once you have the data file backed up securely, the other things are
probably good to have - these include your preference settings and saved

The guide (
explains the type of files in section 2.5.  Section 2.6.2 talks about
preferences and saved reports, and shows where there are stored in Windows.
Please let me (us) know if this is confusing, and I can tell you where mine
are on Windows - I'm writing this on a Mac. The saved reports are in a
.gnucash folder that is either in Users/<your_user_name> or in "My

On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 2:32 PM Dan a1TNC <> wrote:

> I'm wanting to use GNC in a Windows land where there are different OSs.
> Some are 10 and some 11 etc.   I ,like Heidi, did not find the backup info
> in the manual to be very helpful cuz I'm not a coder, and it seems to be
> written by someone who understands all OSs and is a one size fits all for
> all OSs.
> I have come up with test system to figure out a dependable backup system
> and I want to share that here to see if anyone can tell me if there is a
> flaw in my idea.
> I have installed GNU on two different computers on/in my land and have
> started entering my accounts and info in my primary computer. I did not
> find a way to install it on a location outside of my primary computer into
> a local cloud or another computer. (Suggestions ???????) On my second
> computer, I have copied the last two data files and one text file into my
> GNU folder on my 2nd computer and after 10 or so attempts (after adding
> more data) it seems like both computers are showing the same entries at
> every level. At every attempt I delete all the old files from the last
> attempt, and I open GNU from the short GNU data file which does not have
> that date added to the file name.
> If this works I'm planning on doing a video to share so that others will
> find this help.
> Also, I've been using Quick books for over 10 years and they have gone up
> to over 400% in price and we will start to see others many many many other
> come to GNU
> Thx
> Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gnucash-user []
> On Behalf Of R Losey
> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:48 AM
> To: halatch1008; Gnucash Users
> Subject: Re: [GNC] How do I do a back up of Gnucash?
> Well, that's a start... what kind of backup program do you have?
> Oh, and please ensure that you do a reply-all so that the conversation goes
> out to the community; it may help others, and I make some errors that the
> community would catch and correct.
> I thought that someone had pointed to a section of the manual or somewhere
> that listed the files that should be backed up.
> Richard
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 10:09 PM halatch1008 <>
> wrote:
> > I have Windows.  The" Get help" section of Gnucash is No help at all in
> > explaining how to do a back up
> > Heidi
> >
> >
> >
> > Sent from myerizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
> >
> >
> > -------- Original message --------
> > From: R Losey <>
> > Date: 10/16/24 4:47 PM (GMT-05:00)
> > To: halatch1008 <>
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [GNC] How do I do a back up of Gnucash?
> >
> > This is not easy because of the following:
> > 1) There are a multitude of ways to backup data; the "step by step" way I
> > set up my backups may not match your backup program. Moreover, Mac has
> > different tools that Windows than Linux - on Macs, the "Time Machine"
> comes
> > with Macs and is pretty common, but Windows and Linux have a wide variety
> > of backup programs.
> >
> > 2) The main GnuCash data file name is determined by each user; mine could
> > be "MyFinances.gnucash", yours may be "HeidiMoney.gnucash". The name is
> > normally "<CustomName>.gnucash"... this is again difficult to put in a
> > step-by-step procedure.
> >
> > 3) GnuCash's help files does have a section on which files need to be
> > backed up that has  been previously referenced. I skip this because the
> > other files are kept in a subdirectory of my home directory, and that is
> > backed up on the different computers I have.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 7:59 AM halatch1008 via gnucash-user <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Could someone write a step by step of Instruction on how to Back up all
> >> my Gnucash files together with the program, in case my computer
> >> dies.Thanks,Heidi
> >
> >
> > _________________________________
> > Richard Losey
> >
> > Micah 6:8
> >
> --
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> Richard Losey
> Micah 6:8
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Micah 6:8
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