Thanks for that update, David - sadly none of those banks are the banks I
use, but I tend to agree - the banks are out for all the dosh they can
score from their customers... what's new with that situation?

Thank you for taking the time to do that research...

Me for the bank downloads from now on!!!


Megan in Sydney

On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 at 14:13, David Cousens <> wrote:

> Megan,
> Just checked with the CBA again and after half an hour on the phone, they
> do not provide any access via AQBanking and OFX Direct Connect. CBA does
> allow OFX file download of transactions and statements from the Netbank in
> OFX format  which can be then manually imported into GnuCash.  ANZ seems to
> be similar in that only selected software can access direct feeds.  NAB
> Connect seems just to be a file upload/download and not true direct
> connection into the software.
> This is not really a secuity issue just the banks not cooperating unless
> they get a cut with security as the excuse.
> David Cousens
> On Tue, 2024-10-01 at 12:34 +1000, Megan Tilley wrote:
> Have any Australian bank users managed to set up AqBANKING for those banks?
> I'm thinking Westpac Bank, Commonwealth Bank, St George Bank, Macquarie
> Bank, Bendigo Bank, etc.
> Now that I have my stocks set up, I'm looking into live bank feeds.
> GnuCash is a bit light on with South Pacific financial institutions so I
> take it we can not use that option to get bank feeds into our GC
> installation.
> Gnu-Cash Manual item
>    - 8.5. Online Banking Setup Assistant has a pointer in
>    - Table 8.9. AqBanking Supported Protocols to
>    - a Wiki-table to banks in other countries [
>] which
> is
>    shrouded in programming-speak.
> I think this will remain a manual procedure to copy/paste transaction data
> or download regularly the CSV files.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks!
> Megan in Sydney
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