I'm taking a wild stab here, but there were a couple of versions of GnuCash 
that kept a process running in Windows even after quitting the application. I 
imagine that this would cause Bitlocker* to stay locked. Perhaps you might 
check in Task Manager to see if there is a GnuCash process still running?

⁣David T. ​

* my autocorrect wanted this to be "bootlicker"

On Sep 30, 2024, 9:37 PM, at 9:37 PM, "Fross, Michael via gnucash-user" 
<gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
>I store my datafiles in a Veracrypt encrypted volume on a
>Bitlocker'd drive (sometimes you do need a belt AND suspenders.)  I've
>never had an issue with locking (or pretty much any kind of issue.)
>I can't really help you troubleshoot, but wanted to let you know it
>work, at least for me.
>On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 1:02 PM Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) <
>stan...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> On 2024-09-30 00:14, Sudesh Chandar via gnucash-user wrote:
>> > My second question is that, Is there a way or option to set the
>> and *.log files in a separate drive and subdirectory?
>> Sorry, there is not. You can set a preference in GC to control how
>> those files will be auto-purged, but you cannot designate a different
>> location for them.
>> (Sorry, I can't answer your other question.)
>> --
>> Stan Brown
>> Tehachapi, CA, USA
>> https://BrownMath.com/
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