On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 8:20 AM Boniforti Flavio <bonifort...@gmail.com>

> Hi list.

Hello, and welcome!

> I don't know how to phrase it with a one-liner, thus the subject line might
> be unclear :-(
> I'll try to explain.

It was clear

> I've started with GnuCash a couple of weeks ago, trying to understand how
> it works and how I can apply it to my personal finances. At one point I
> decided to put some real values in it and I put the "opening balances" for
> my bank accounts dating on the 31st of December, 2023. I am now slowly (but
> it is an exercise for me to understand how all this works) manually
> entering my transactions - please don't comment about this being
> time-consuming or similar: I know it already! :-)

Well, your opening balance for your credit cards should have been whatever
it was on 31 Dec... per your records below, that should have been
1136.80-252.55 (884.25). Then your checking account is reduced by the full
bill, and your credit card has a payment of 1136.80, which -- if there are
no new transactions -- should leave the credit card balance at zero.

I hope this helps!

Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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