Thanks!  It also looks like it is also a case of RTFM.

Looks like this would be another way to recover.

Thanks so much for your detailed explanation.


On Thu, Sep 19, 2024, at 10:12 AM, John Ralls wrote:
> It looks like you left a report open and the option string saved in 
> your state file has a bad value. The state file has the same name as 
> your .gnucash file with a .gcm extension tacked on (i.e. 
> “my-book.gnucash.gcm”) and is located in GNC_DATA_HOME/books (see 
> for 
> where GNC_DATA_HOME is on your system).
> You can either delete or edit the state file. If you delete it you’ll 
> lose all of your open tabs and UI customizations, so you’ll probably 
> prefer to edit it. Open it in your favorite text editor (e.g. emacs, 
> nano, vi) and go to the bottom. Each open window has a [Window N] 
> section containing a [Page N] section for each open tab. Report tabs 
> will have the PageType GncPluginPageReport. Find the one with an option 
> value (1530334800 .  0) and delete it, renumbering the following [Page 
> N] sections so that the numbering is consecutive. Save the file and 
> start GnuCash.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Sep 19, 2024, at 07:19, Chris Raesz via gnucash-user 
>> <> wrote:
>> I recently had a desktop meltdown but I had my data backed up. I am using 
>> Linux and gnucash version GnuCash 5.8, Build ID: 5.8+(2024-07-06)
>> When I try to open it, I get a message stating some other user has the file 
>> locked. When I tell it to open read-only or open anyway, it crashes. My 
>> command line attempts give me this:
>>   Backtrace:
>>   In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>>     160: 6 [catch #t #<catch-closure 7f981afdbe60> ...]
>>   In unknown file:
>>       ?: 5 [apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 7f981afdbe60>]
>>   In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
>>   2412: 4 [save-module-excursion #<procedure 7f97fa6df2d0 at
>>   ice-9/eval-string.scm:65:9 ()>]
>>   In ice-9/eval-string.scm:
>>      44: 3 [read-and-eval #<input: string 7f97fa6e0340> #:lang ...]
>>      37: 2 [lp (let ((options #)) (let (#) (# option)) ...)]
>>   In ice-9/eval.scm:
>>     432: 1 [eval # #]
>>   In unknown file:
>>       ?: 0 [GncOption-set-value #<pointer 0x2680d60> (absolute
>>   1530334800 . 0)]
>>   ERROR: In procedure GncOption-set-value:
>>   ERROR: Wrong type (expecting exact integer): (1530334800 . 0)
>>   Some deprecated features have been used.  Set the environment
>>   variable GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED to "detailed" and rerun the
>>   program to get more information. Set it to "no" to suppress
>>   this message.
>> What do I need to do to clear this lock issue??
>> -- 
>> chris.
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