Downloading UK traded stock from Alphavantage you need to add an 'X' to the 
symbol like
your prices will now be pounds.

    On Thursday 19 September 2024 at 13:05:05 BST, Geoff 
<> wrote:  
 Hi Alan & Bruce

Alan: I believe the cause of this problem is that CNA is quoted in Pence 
on the LSE and Finance::Quote is interpreting it as Pounds, hence your 
100 fold discrepancy.  Until a fix is found I suggest you either 
manually edit the prices in GnuCash (Tools / Price Database / Edit) or 
just sit back and enjoy your new found wealth!

I am not familiar with the LSE but did come across this article which 
implies that some LSE securities are quoted in Pounds and others in Pence:

Bruce: please see attached screenshot.  v1.49 of F::Q interprets the 
price correctly, v1.62 does not.  I ran these tests in Perl outside of 
GnuCash.  Over to you for comment.

Let me know if you need anything else.



On 19/09/2024 12:37 pm, Bruce Schuck wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 04:25:37 EDT 2024 Alan G wrote:
>> I'm currently using GnuCash version 5.4 on a Windows 11 desktopBuild
>> ID: 5.4+(2023-09-23) Finance::Quote: 1.62
>> For about 5 years, I've routinely imported prices for my very modest
>> stock holding at the end of every week, but when I did so last
>> weekend, all prices were 100 times bigger than they had been on
>> previous weeks. Whilst I'd like to think I've suddenly become
>> wealthy, I suspect there is an alternative explanation, so is there a
>> straightforward way of resolving this? I couldn't find any settings
>> to change.
> To which Geoff replied on Wed Sep 18 05:27:01 EDT 2024:
>> Can you please show us the stock in question?  Attach a screenshot of
>> the Tools / Security Editor / Edit Security window.
> Stock symbols and what sources you have configured for those would be 
> all I need for testing F::Q outside of GnuCash. I suspect you may be 
> using a source (or sources) that get data through web scraping, and the 
> HTML returned from the URL used in the F::Q module has changed.
> Please remember to reply-all, not just the list, and not just the direct 
> emails.
> Thanks.
> Bruce S._______________________________________________
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