DEREK,   THANK YOU SOOOO much for solving my problem with Vendor posting. U are 
incredibly brilliant!!Thanks,HeidiSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy 
-------- Original message --------From: Derek Atkins <> Date: 
9/11/24  10:09 AM  (GMT-05:00) To: halatch1008 <> Cc: Subject: Re: [GNC] Vendor posting problem Hi 
Heidi...On Wed, September 11, 2024 9:57 am, halatch1008 via gnucash-user 
wrote:> GEOFF,   Thanks 4 your reply, but I am set up the way u said in Chart 
of> Acct Accts.Payable is SubAcct.of LIABILITIES . when I Edit> is A/P, description is A/P,Parent Acct is LIABILITIES,> Acct 
type is Liability. Currency is US dollar.Smallest fraction is:useAcct Type is 
your issue.Your A/P accound needs to be Acct Type A/Payable, not Acct Type 
Liability.> commodity Value.My LIABILITY account is "placeholder"Description 
is> LIABILITIES,Parent Acct is "New top levelAcct"Acct.type is Liability. US> 
DOLLAR currency. PLEASE help me figure out Why when dialog box comes up> that 
says "Do U really want to post invoice"  "POST TO ACCT"> 
LIABILITIES:ACCTS.PAYABLE does NOT come up. And can Not scroll to get it> to 
come up. It's blank.Thanks,HeidiSent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy> 
smartphone> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.> You can do 
this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.-derek--        Derek Atkins           
Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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