On Wed, 11 Sep 2024 11:28:48 +1000
Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't know how the list membership is managed, but hopefully
> someone else can respond.
> Regards
> Geoff
> =====
> On 11/09/2024 8:01 am, Megan Tilley wrote:
> > Hi Geoff - can you answer a list question for me as a user?
> > 
> > I applied for membership to the thread using the 'create an
> > account' process with username and password, but I note that
> > because I sent my initial message while awaiting acknowledgement of
> > membership, my message is still being moderated with the reason
> > "Post by non-member to a members-only list"
> > 
> > Will that status ever change? or does every poster regardless of 
> > membership get the same on their email list?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > 

I'm the moderator, and can assure you that you are not subscribed to
the list and there is no outstanding requests for me to check anything
on this list.
There have been a couple of reports of failures of subscription
requests lately. I have tested subscription for myself with a gmail
account, just now, and the confirmation email landed in Spam. Once I
found that I was able to subscribe, and then removed my name because
one lot of Gnucash email will be plenty.

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