
I have searched for a solution but not found one. The answer may lay in the 
General Ledger but I have not been able to get that to work and balance.

I have two suppliers, one (A) is an installer the other (B) a materials 
supplier. The installer SHOULD organise his own materials but inevitable he 
runs short on site and use one of my accounts to purchase items he is short of. 
It is managing the cross charging of these purchases that is giving me a 

Supplier B sends me an invoice and I enter it and analyse it to the appropriate 
expense ledger. I pay the invoice.

Supplier A invoices me for the work and again I enter it and analyse it to the 
appropriate expense ledger.  However, his invoice is based on a fixed [rice 
that included the supply of materials o when I analyse his invoice the expenses 
ledger is over valued by the amount of the materials I have bought on his 

So to remedy this I enter an entry that debits the expenses and credits his 
account.  The balance I owe him is reduced by the value of the materials I have 
bought him.

So now, Supplier A is paid and his ledger balanced, his invoice show PAID.

The expenses ledger correctly states the value of work done as the duplicated 
item has been journaled (that old fashioned system!) out and cross charged to 
supplier B.

Even supplier B’s account is correct and once I pay him a reduced sum his 
ledger balances to zero.


When I try to record Supplier B’s invoice as PAID through the system it accepts 
the payments from the bank but will not allow me to pay supplier B with the 
cross charged entry, presumable because it is not seen as an asset account?

Consequently my account all balance and are correct but I cannot record his 
invoice as paid in the Gnucash system and it annoyingly comes up as an unpaid 
entry every time I open the software or check for unpaid invoices.

Can anyone offer me a solution please?

Geoff Jankowski
+44 20 7100 1092
+44 7770 58 48 38
+33 9 85 20 68 20
+33 6 22 93 00 53

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