There is no time limit on reconciliation.

What you are describing is a match limit on importing.

Those are two separate functions entirely.

If you open an account, and click the Reconcile button, it will show all unreconciled transactions since the beginning of your book. I just tested this with a completely unreconciled account and I saw every transaction dating all the way back to 2016 when I started this book.

While there might be a case for a bug to change or even remove the Unlikely Match limit of 50 days, the simple solution is to not import or match those outstanding checks, and then clear and reconcile them manually.


On 8/28/24 9:40 AM, Eric H. Bowen via gnucash-user wrote:
In my experience with the software that is not the case. True, you can reconcile any transaction...but only within a limited window of time. Now, if you have an uncleared transaction in your register dated November 8th, 2022 and the .OFX file downloaded from your bank indicates that the check cleared on November 14th, 2022 you can match it, even though it's (nearly) two years later. But if the bank said that the transaction didn't clear until doesn't even show up as an option under "Match Manually." Believe me, been there, done that.

The key setting appears to be "Unlikely match day threshold," under Edit>>Preferences>>Import. I've got that maxed out at 50 days; it will not go any higher than that. So if the transaction your bank reports is farther away than that from the entry in your don't even see the transaction when you go to match it. It just doesn't appear.

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