> On 07/11/2024 6:30 PM PDT Ronald Solomon <drsolomo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, I know I can however, trying to type out the concerns is
> time-consuming, and in the past, I didn't ask the correct questions so did
> not get a correct answer. I appreciate everyone giving me information but
> my issues are not being answered. That is why I am asking for someone to
> talk over the phone with me or zoom so I can share my screen.
> Ron Solomon


First let me begin with the history of the CSV import. According to my 
research, the CSV import in GNUCash was designed with one purpose in mind: 
Importing information from bank downloads. It was then expanded from there, but 
the basic design was to import from bank downloads.

Now to your specific question on how to import.

We need to start with a test file and work up to your production data.

Start with a fresh gnucash data file, one that named for testing purposes. This 
is not your production data file.

Next I'm going to suggest importing the sample mulit-split data presented in 
example 6.1:

Example 6.1. Sample Multi-split.csv

05/03/2006,Grocery Store,-45.21,Assets:Checking
14/03/2006,Employers R Us,670.00,Assets:Checking
,,60.00,Expenses:Taxes:Social Security

SOURCE: https://gnucash.org/docs/v5/C/gnucash-manual/trans-import.html

You'll need to copy and paste the data into a text editor and save the file 
with the csv extension.

Settings for that file are:

File Format: Character-separated

Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8)
Date format: d-m-y

Leading lines to skip: 1

Now select pull down menus and match the first row (lined out)

Date - Description - Amount - Account 

If you get stuck in that process, please let us know where.
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