oops missed off the group

    On Saturday, 23 March 2024 at 09:20:19 GMT, Martin Booth 
<mdj.bo...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:  
select new under scheduled transaction or edit an existing one
select frequency tab

select weekly for frequency and select a start date
select every 4 weeks in the box below and the day it will start
this will setup your DWP payment

    On Saturday, 23 March 2024 at 07:45:26 GMT, David Jordan 
<da...@dmjsystems.co.uk> wrote:  


I am trying to schedule a Deposit transaction that is paid every 4 weeks
(i.e. 13 times per year) but unlike Quicken GNUCash doesn't seem to allow a
scheduled transaction that happens every 4 weeks.


Is there any way of doing this?






David Jordan
48 Priestley Way


Somerset TA8 1QX
E-Mail : Home -  <mailto:da...@dmjsystems.co.uk> da...@dmjsystems.co.uk
Telephone Home  -  +44 1278 781957
                  Mobile  -  +44 7835 887318


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