Ira, there's not enough information in what you have posted to assist in getting your problem solved.

What does "Saving to Windows on local network does not work" mean? What actually happens? What error message is generated?

Is there one MySQL database or two? If there is one, on which machine is it: the Mac, the Windows machine, or something else?

As far as I can tell, there are no current problems involving both GnuCash 5.1 and MySQL. At a guess, there's a library missing, or the link is not specified correctly.

On 2024-02-29 14:40, Tommy Trussell wrote:
Hi -- you replied to me yesterday but I don't know if version 5.1 is
significant so I am copying the list. Be sure to use REPLY ALL or CC the
list on all your replies.

You might also try saving as sqlite because I know that database format is
used by more folks (though I don't use it).

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 9:14 PM Ira Fuchs <> wrote:

Software came from and is Version: 5.1
Build ID: 5.1+(2023-04-30)

To reiterate, saving to MySQl instnace on the MAc (same machien running
Gnucash) works fine. Saving to Windows on local network does not work.

On Feb 28, 2024, at 9:28 PM, Tommy Trussell <>

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 8:02 PM Ira Fuchs <> wrote:

I am trying to save my Gbucash data to MySQl v8.0.36 on a newly installed
MySQL instance on WIndwos 10. Gnucash is running on a Mac and I also have a
MySQL instance on that machine running v .8.0.22. I have no problem saving
the gnucash data to the local MySQL instance but when I try to save it to
the WIndows instance, I get a non-specific error. My MySQL client can login
from the Mac to the Sinwows instance without problem so I know that I have
both connectivity and the correct userid/passwd.
Can anyone please help me to diagnose why gnucash will not save to the
Windows instance. I also tried creating a user entry for the same userid
but specifying the Mac ip and Standard authentication. This also failed to
work.  What am I missing?

What versions of GnuCash on the Mac and on Windows? And (if relevant) did
you download the software from anyplace other than ?

(please reply to the list as I know nothing about either the Windows or
Mac versions)

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