I'll give it a try. The last time I tried it I was told that all transactions 
had ben imported.

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From: David Carlson <david.carlson....@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 11:53:50 PM
To: jeffrey black <beastmaster...@hotmail.com>
Cc: GnuCash-User@GnuCash.Org <gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
Subject: Re: [GNC] How to reimport an ofx file?


My regular procedure involves intentionally deleting some OFX imported 
transactions after I have replaced them with transactions that have more 
detailed descriptions and I have found that if I re-run an old OFX import file, 
those transactions will import again.  So in your case, I would expect missing 
transactions to re-appear without any special editing of the import files.  
Because I have the room on my backup devices, I never delete old OFX files, I 
just move them to different folders.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 11:23 PM jeffrey black 
<beastmaster...@hotmail.com<mailto:beastmaster...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
I'm not going into great detail here but I had a surge suppressor  strip 
explode when I turned it off.  It is way out of its warranty period so no help 
there. It fried my server, laptop, printer, 3 external drives, 3 USB Backuo 
drives, and 2 SSD drives ( which i just found out are non-recoverable , 
period).  But thankfully not the drives my GNC datafiles were on.

Anyways, my question to the GNC community is that I imported an account via OFX 
and forgot to reconcile it.  Know I find out that there are several hundred 
transactions that were never imported.

How can I convince  GNC to import the missing transactions via OFX?  And do not 
ask me which version of GNC I was running because I do not remember and cannot 
access that drive.  98% of the time I was running GNC under Ubuntu (I hate  
WindoZe and very seldom use it).

--  Jeffrey  Black, M.B.A.

(Forgive my poor spelling and explanation. These little keyboards on a phone 
are too small for my fumble fingers.  And spell check cannot spelll any better 
than I can.  I'm still trying to setup a new server and a new network.)

-- Jeffrey Black, M.B.A.

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