Thank you GnuCash Development Team!

Please note that, for Windows OS, the Source Forge link you quoted below:


And the link on the GnuCash download page:

which points to:

Are currently broken.  The quoted GitHub link works:


A very quick test run shows that there are no zombie processes left behind when GnuCash is closed (#799092), and QIF files with "ambiguous" dates are imported correctly.

Thanks again for your great work!


On 18/12/2023 8:45 am, John Ralls wrote:
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 5.5, the sixth release in the 
stable 5.x series.

Between 5.4 and 5.5, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

• Bug 607000 - SLR visible transactions
   Change the Since Last Run dialog to show only transactions with a non-empty 
• Bug 792241 - Allow sorting scheduled transactions
• Bug 798025 - SLR Value entry not tied to location
   Disable scrolling and the horizontal scroll bar while an entry has focus.
• Bug 798760 - SLR OK button to complete value entry
   With this change the Since Last Run dialog's OK button will commit an 
in-progress edit and advance to the next edit requiring input. It will close 
the dialog only if there are no more edits.
• Bug 798760 - SLR change reminder with value entry
   Change transaction state from Reminder to ToCreate when the user has 
provided the needed value and clicked OK.
• Bug 798890 - Printing Problem
• Bug 799087 - Import - Unbalanced (need acct) transactions now show in red 
(previously orange).
• Bug 799090 - Right Clicking scheduled transaction
   Ensure that the selection highlight changes to the item under the pointer 
when right-clicking in the SX Editor.
• Bug 799092 - GnuCash 5.4 leaves background process running on exit
   Clear the schema_hash at app shutdown via gnc_prefs_remove_registered and 
make that function available to the Python bindings so that python programs can 
do so too.
• Bug 799099 - Crash when trying to get quotes
• Bug 799104 - "Asset Chart" broken
• Bug 799108 - "Since Last Run" crashes if there are any errors creating a 
scheduled transaction
   Capture errors and display them in a dialog box instead.
• Bug 799113 - "Start Import" button reports "Failed"
• Bug 799121 - Parse error on CSV import on MacOS
• Bug 799130 - split-register.c:1847:gnc_split_register_save: assertion failed: 
(xaccTransIsOpen (blank_trans))
• Bug 799134 - Fails to build with GCC 14 (‘find_if’ is not a member of ‘std’; 
did you mean ‘find’)
• Bug 799138 - Port to new Python C config API
• Bug 799143 - FTBFS on 32bit architectures
• Bug 799144 - Date Completion is broken after 5.4 upgrade
• Bug 799148 - Reliable crash when saving a modified saved report configuration
• Bug 799150 - Can't paste text (with Ctrl+V) in Notes field in Account Tree 
• Bug 799151 - gnc_date_get_last_mday () does not account for leap years 
• Bug 799152 - normalize_reldate_tm() does not handle dates with months greater 
than 11 or less than -11 correctly.
• Bug 799156 - normalize_struct_tm() does not normalize seconds,minutes, and 
hours correctly.

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
• Cancel the QIF import instead of inserting the default directory if the user 
cancels the file-selection dialog.
• Memory leak fixes
• Rename the scheduled transaction edit/new/delete menus to resolve a shortcut 
• Allow saving the sort column in the Since Last Run dialog
• Ensure that Print Checks obtains for the check amount the sum of all splits 
in the current register account and subaccounts.
• Ensure that report page actions are re-enabled after editing options. Some 
actions (Print, PDFExport, and Report Options) had been left disabled.
• Ensure GncDateEntry always reverts to today if the user enters an invalid 
date string.
• Direct cmake to find the base installed Python3 instead of the latest version 
installed. Reference Cmake Issue 24126, Cmake Issue 24878, and CMake merge 
request 8287. Note that this requires CMake 3.20 or later; users of older 
versions will still get the newest installed Python version.
• CI: Run distcheck on one workflow to catch quickly instances where someone 
adds a file but forgets to update the distribution.
• Primarily of interest to developers: We've added a new CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, 
Asan, with two options -DLEAKS and -DODR, both of which default to OFF. This 
creates a non-optimized, with-symbols build with the Address Sanitizer hooks 
compiled in. While the primary motivation is a CI run to ensure that there 
aren't any memory allocation errors revealed in the test suite, this is also a 
useful build to use when debugging a segfault crash, many of which are caused 
by use-after-free errors. When building on non-Apple platforms -DLEAKS=ON will 
add leak detection, dumping a stack trace for the allocation of any leaked heap 
or free-store allocations. Similarly and on non-Apple platforms only -DODR=ON 
will log violations of the C++ one definition rule.
• Also of interest to developers: A new cmake option -DCOVERAGE. When on and in 
a non-optimized build this will instrument the program and libraries to count 
usage for every source line. The option also adds three targets, 
lcov-initialize, lcov-collect, and lcov-generate-html. The primary motivation 
is to assess the completeness of tests in CI, see Coverage-HTML for the latest 

New and Updated Translations: Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, Dutch, English 
(Australia), English (New Zealand), English (United Kingdom), Finnish, German, 
Gujarati, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese 
(Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish

Help translate GnuCash on Weblate:

Known Problems

Complete list of all open bugs:


No changes were associated with bug reports between releases 5.4 and 5.5

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

• EBICS: for business customers (of the bank) rather than business users.
• docbook: additional entities for business GUI-elements
• docbook: gnc-gui-*: Rename the scheduled edit/new/delete menus to match a 
change in the program.
New and Updated Translations: German

Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS

GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS 10.13 
(High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is 
provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a disk image 
containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.

GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Instructions for 
installing and running:

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:
• b4daf67bb892b706323f62e9fa97242039d7dd0a2e1e10771e0c25817dd0ed3b  
• 73d2c367f7f1c2da045ce08cb7dfc619e43002ac1e17bb708e3287edff96ae47  
• 720a60dca57e4199f28b5449158ddc89e62012f042a62c43b16c569fa0890275  
• a27ab3dd3ada69456cb8033473f7bab5ae5874a4880416672d9b4fd2e1c26408  
• 93560f55d9305aef45525cf7e7143b72503365c353840dfaaa382d9dfb97c8ab  

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

Getting GnuCash as source code
If you want to compile GnuCash 5.5 for yourself, the source code can be 
downloaded from:

To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at least 
Gtk+ 3.22.29, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.67, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 1.8.0, cmake 
3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12. Please consult the README.dependencies file in the 
sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions.
Getting the documentation

Note that the documentation for unstable releases is not on the GnuCash website. It is built daily 
and may be found on the development server under the locale directory; "C" is English, 
"de" is German, and so on.

The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.

If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 5.5 for yourself, the source 
code can be downloaded from:


You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository as described 

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU 
General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, MacOS, 
and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first 
stable release was in 1998.

John Ralls

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