David, Here are the source code text files, *.EDT, for the program. They are in BKS.EDT.zip. These files are corrected. To make them easier to read, like TAXCODE.txt (q.v.), run them with TAS, which is in TAS.zip.
BKS.EDT.zip, BKS.EDT.zip.txt, TAS.zip and TAS.zip.txt are in General at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d323887f48f9gote69ohm/h?rlkey=gudyrc3o8r8wf0icti0k705gn&dl=0 All we need to do that is find someone with DOS. I do not have a DOS machine any more. I'll ask my contacts to see whether they still have that capability. You may find people who use DOS. If so, you will be able to make the source code files read like TAXCODE.txt yourself. Best Regards. Bruce | | Virus-free.www.avast.com | _______________________________________________ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@gnucash.org To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user ----- Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.