Thanks John and the GC team for all your hard work and dedication!

On 9/24/23 5:26 PM, John Ralls wrote:
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 5.4, the fifth release in the 
stable 5.x series

Between 5.3 and 5.4, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

     Bug 728875 - Back button does not work in QIF import assistant
     Bug 797507 - GnuCash Splash screen may disappear before the main window 
     Bug 798709 - Total(Period) column does not refresh period's value after 
update of the period in settings.a>
     Bug 798904 - GnuCash on Windows opens a CMD window at startup.
     Bug 798925 - Python bindings: "invalid unclassed pointer in cast to 
     Bug 798944 - Program crashes when matching transactions
     Bug 798950 - Bug Report: Incorrect Currency Conversion and Provider 
Invoice Payment Recording
         When balancing lots use the split amount, not the value
         Recalculate the values using deduced exchange rates after adjusting 
split amounts.
         Be conservative when recalculating values after breaking up a split to 
avoid imbalances caused by rounding.
     Bug 798958 - gncScrubLotLinks will infinite loop in some conditions
     Bug 798982 - GetQuotes crashes if Finance::Quote returns an empty date.
     Bug 798983 - Empty Orphan account appears after entering transactions in 
     Bug 798990 - Notes No Longer Autofills
     Bug 798991 - Incorrect Account Name Order in Transaction Report
     Bug 798995 - Keystrokes ignored during ledger entry
     Bug 798998 - Job Report Not Working
     Bug 799004 - Update of Prices attaches incorrect Date
     Bug 799010 - gnc-register-account-sel-limited-option errors doesn't work
     Bug 799020 - widget of gnc-register-list-option disregards user's clicks
     Bug 799021 - Saved report renders default of gnc-register-list-option
     Bug 799036 - Import prices from a CSV date problem
     Bug 799039 - gnc:strify produces unusual results or crashes GnuCash when 
fed an option from gnc-lookup-option
     Bug 799048 - Hover on tab not correct
     Bug 799051 - Shortcut Ctrl + Tab not working in 5.3
     Bug 799054 - Stock Assist not functioning
     Bug 799060 - Consistent Crash in Invoices
     Bug 799068 - csv export active register not working
     Bug 799069 - Multicurrency Invoice Payment
     Bug 799075 - Saving display tab changes in Report Options does not work.
     Bug 799084 - Unable to create new scheduled transaction

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

     [import-main-matcher.cpp] After clicking/toggling A/U+C/C checkbox, reselect the row 
because it'll be much faster to use keyboard navigation -- use up/down/left/right to target 
desired checkbox, hit <down> <space> repeatedly to repeat the same action over 
several consecutive rows.
     Implement support for !Type:Prices records in the QIF importer.
     Modernize construction of GObjects using G_DECLARE_DERIVABLE, 
     Fix yet more leaks.
     [DBI backend] Change DBI test URLs to environment variables from cmake 
configuration definitions.
     Restore the Stock Transaction Assistant to full operation.
     Fix the Fancy Date file property so that it saves.
     Fix formatting error in po files project-id line.
     [] Overwrite an existing file instead of crashing.
     Update github action package versions.
     Add parsing mixed number and fraction (e.g. 10 1/2) to the gnc_numeric 
string constructor.
     Bump minimum cmake version to 3.14 and drop some conditionals for older 
     Major speedup in the SQLBackend by replacing C++ exceptions with 
std::optional for null values.
     Refresh the GUI on completion of the import matcher so that the imports 
are immediately reflected in the register.
     Improve online quote retrieval error reporting.
     Test loading and saving XML files with and without compression
     [import-main-matcher] always defer_bal_computation during import to speed 
up both importing new transactions, and destroying existing ones.
     GncGtkListUIItem::set_option_from_ui_item: Iterate over selected items 
Instead of all possible items.
     Convert gnc-ofx-import.c, import-parse.c, import-utilities.c, 
import-format-dialog.c, import-account-matcher.c, import-commodity-matcher.c, 
import-settings.c, import-pending-matches.c, import-match-picker.c, 
import-main-matcher.c, and gnc-pricedb.c to .cpp
     By default, filter out online_wiggle in test-gnc-quotes. Running 
./bin/test-gnc-quotes from the command line will still include online_wiggle
     Replace yahoo_json with alphavantage in test-gnc-quotes. yahoo_json is too 
     Include timezone in price-quote date diagnostic messages.

New and Updated Translations: Arabic, Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Dutch, 
English (Australia), English (New Zealand), English (United Kingdom), French, 
German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, 
Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian

Help translate GnuCash on Weblate:

Known Problems

Complete list of all open bugs:


Concurrent with the release of GnuCash 5.4 we're pleased to also release a new 
version of the companion Manual and the Tutorial and Concepts Guide:
Between 5.2 and 5.4, the following bugfixes were accomplished:

     Bug 799074 - Incorrect note re cash page in stock-txn-assistant

The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:

     Add a Chinese translation for the Tutorial and Concepts Guide.
     Update git branches for API docs
     Refactor the build system feature for adding customized xslt files.
     Bump minimum cmake version to 3.14 to keep it in sync with the gnucash repo
     Fix race condition in creating symlinks for the kde help system.
     Update GitHub actions/checkout to v3 in all actions and add nightly-build 
github workflow.
     Manual (C,de): Replace obsolete 'gnc-fq-*' with 'gnucash-cli --quotes *'
     Guide (C,de,ru): Repair broken links from 'help' to 'manual'
     Guide (C,de), ch_invest: Remove section 'Finance::Quote install'
     Manual (C, de) Update F::Q screens to 1.57
     Change version 4 to 5, branch maint to stable, and update Finance::Quote 
docs to reflect changes in GnuCash.

New and Updated Translations: German

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:


Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS

GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS 10.13 
(High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is 
provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a disk image 
containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.

GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Instructions for 
installing and running:

The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:

Microsoft Windows:

Apple macOS:

Getting GnuCash as source code
If you want to compile GnuCash 5.4 for yourself, the source code can be 
downloaded from:

To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at least 
Gtk+ 3.22.29, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.67, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 1.8.0, cmake 
3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12. Please consult the README.dependencies file in the 
sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions.
Getting the documentation

Note that the documentation for unstable releases is not on the GnuCash website. It is built daily 
and may be found on the development server under the locale directory; "C" is English, 
"de" is German, and so on.

The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.

If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 5.4 for yourself, the source 
code can be downloaded from:


You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository as described 

About the Program

GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU 
General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, MacOS, 
and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first 
stable release was in 1998.

John Ralls

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