I have just started using the Account Summary Report as an easy way to
give an overview of the church finances to the PCC members.

There's a couple of things I can't quite understand though, especially
about the alignment of the columns and the values that appear in them.

The following depends on fixed width fonts to show correctly.

I see, for example. at the top of the report:-

Account Code            Account title                           Balance

                Assets                                            £0.00
                   Current Assets                       £0.00   
                      Lloyds               £9,999.60       

                Income                                            £0.00
                   Collections                      £1,111.11
                   Fees                             £2,222.22
                   ...                                 ......

Why is the amount for 'Lloyds' further left than the other amounts? Is
it simply because it's a lower level sub-account?

What is the meaning of the £0.00 against Assets, Income, etc.  One
would have expected that the value against Income would be the total
of all the Income sub-accounts.

Have I got something wrongly configured?

Chris Green
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