Barry, A file attached to an email can be of any type -there is generally no requirement on the type of file to attach. Whether the recipient can then open it depends on the software they are using. Most of the common image formats (.jpg, .gif, .tif, .png etc) which are compressed bitmap images can be opened by most image display programs - less so in the case of vector drawing formats.
The information we need to help you is mainly going to be in the form of screen window captures from File Explorer (or command like DIR with specific options from the command line interface to display the ownership and permissions information. You can either capture an image of the window on the screen or if using the command line window direct the ouput of the command line to a text file. In all cases first you need to create the image or text file on your hard disk and then you need to attach the file you create to an email reply. You can also find plenty of help on-line for Windows specific operations using Google. But doing that successfully usually means including a few specific keywords in the search term the most important of which will be "Windows" likely "file" and then a descriptor of the information you are trying to find to limit the replies to something useful. In some cases it may appear that we are trying to teach you to suck eggs but we have only limited information about your familiarity with the Windows operating system and what you know or don't know. The impression most of us get from your replies is that you are a relatively new user of Windows with not a lot of background on how operating systems work in general and how Windows works in detail. On the other hand we who are replying also often have widely different and overlapping skill sets and individually use GnuCash on one or more of the three major PC operating systems and sub-variants in the case of Linux users. Some of us are or have been software developers. Our aim is to get to a common understanding which will enable us to help you sort your problem. You may find the profusion of answers coming from different directions a little confusing but often it is the variety of perspectives that is the main advantage of a mailing list. David Cousens On Mon, 2023-08-28 at 17:53 +0200, Mahon Finbar via gnucash-user wrote: > Thank you Adrien for a) being so patient, and b) reacting properly to > the unnecessary comments. > > Somewhere, way back, it is my impression that the requirement for > attaching to posts had to be in jpg format, is that the case, or will a > vanilla screen scrape do?? From this message that would appear to be the > case. Also, I am not certain how much of a scrape you need, I have > screenfulls. > > I aplogise for the confusion between adminstratO and adminstrator. As a > result of various ministrations to this PC when I first got it, a while > back, several names were applied, barry mahon, finbar mahon, > administration, and administrato, The latter one if 'good' > > As to attach, maybe it my misunderstanding. I have a screen in a file > in 'This PC' with a list of files from gnu. If I do 'attach' (top RHS) > it appears, but if I then click Add Attachment the files screen 'blinks' > and if I click 'send' it asks 'did you forget an attachment' If I do > PrtSc (or windows icon and PrtSc, depending on the advice received!!) > the same things happens 'did you forget' > > I have answered 'no, send now' to send this, sorry, further confusion. > > Barry > > > On 28/08/2023 12:44, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > > That's mostly my fault on the 'administrato' vs. 'administator' issue. > > > > But I only kept typing that because Barry reported a file path at one > > point with that spelling, and I wasn't certain of a possible different > > language in use, so I didn't correct it. If Barry transcribed the file > > path instead of copy/pasting it, that would explain the spelling. > > > > As for permissions, I'm not even concerned about root/admin vs. not > > but simply one user trying to save into another's file tree. That > > alone would most likely return a permissions error message. It seems > > Barry is logging in regularly under an account with that name, but > > GnuCash is opening a file stored under another user. (at some point > > that had to be done manually via File > Open, or since this is > > Windows, perhaps navigating to that other user and double-clicking the > > file - still manual and intentional) > > > > Why the file is there instead of the regular user account, I don't know. > > > > But I see the solution as moving it to the regular user account, > > fixing the file ownership and permission flags, and then proceeding to > > clean up the multiple file/backup file apparent mess. > > > > Regards, > > Adrien > > > > On 8/28/23 4:14 AM, Maf. King wrote: > > > I also note, and it may be a typo by Barry, but the user often being > > > called > > > the "Administrator" account by some people on the list has been > > > listed in a > > > file path by Barry more than once as "administrato" > > > > > > What I'm saying is that there is no certainty that one account is or > > > is not a > > > "root" operator with whatever extra rights or not. > > > > _______________________________________________ > > gnucash-user mailing list > > > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: > > > > ----- > > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. > _______________________________________________ > gnucash-user mailing list > > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: > > ----- > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All. _______________________________________________ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: ----- Please remember to CC this list on all your replies. 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