Sorry, dumb question. I found the tarball here:
On 15.08.23 14:48, rsbrux wrote:
Thanks for the tip, but I'm not sure I'm getting the right source. offers a zip download
of the code from master. Is this the 1.58 release code or the current
development version? If the latter, where should I be looking for the
On 14.08.23 18:58, john wrote:
On Aug 14, 2023, at 04:33, rsbrux via gnucash-user
<> wrote:
I am running GC 5.3+ as a flatpak under Ubuntu Studio 22.04 LTS.
The included F::Q version is 1..56, which I have modified with the
Yahoo as JSON patch already published to this mailing list.
However, it looks as though the current F::Q release, 1.58, includes
quite a few fixes for various sources.
The last I heard, it wasn't possible to update F::Q within a
flatpak installation of GC. Is that still the case?
If so, when can a flatpak update of GC containing F::Q 1.58 be
If not, how can I update F::Q within my flatpak installation?
The update will be available when someone (probably I) have time to
update the F::Q module in gnucash-on-flatpak. That update will be
immediately available in nightly builds; it won't be available on
Flathub until the regular release at the end of September.
It's not possible to use CPAN, and consequently gnc-fq-update, in the
flatpak, but you can do it manually similarly to the way you applied
the yahoo_json patch: Download and untar the release tarball or clone
the repo then copy and the contents of Quote/ into the right
places in your flatpak.
John Ralls
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