The bug has been reported.  Gnucash can't save to a compressed file, the fix is 
due any day now.  However, 5.1 work fine if you want to upgrade now.

Thank You,

Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam<>           email

From: gnucash-user <> on 
behalf of Ira Fuchs <>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 8:19 AM
To: Gnucash <>
Subject: [GNC] Upgraded to v5.2- now can't save

I just upgraded to v5.2 and I can no longer save changes. I get this error:

Could not write to file /Users/if/Documents/GnuCash folder/ 
20211205203910.gnucash. Check that you have permission to write to this file 
and that there is sufficient space to create it.

I have gone back to v4.13.

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