First, please always reply to the list, not solely to individual users. Not all of us are available, or even can help further in some cases. Keeping all discussion on the list enables others to chime in, and others to benefit from the discussion.


Second - to your CPA's response:

That is the same thing I said.

The report is 'as of a date' and *not* for a period. If you 'close books' it *appears* as if the Income & Expense accounts are for a period, but if you don't, then it is obvious that they are 'as of the report date'. It doesn't matter if you close books or not, the numbers will be the same for Income & Expense accounts. If your CPA insists, then by all means, close the books each year. But GnuCash does not require you to in order to produce the proper reports.

You first said the CPA wanted the report for a date range and *not* a specific date, now you're saying your CPA agrees and knows that the report isn't for a date range at all.

Certainly, spend some time understanding the report and the differences between a report for a date range and 'as of' a specific date. GnuCash can provide what your accountant is looking for. There's nothing wrong with the Trial Balance Report. (in this regard, at least)


On 6/2/23 8:29 PM, Rogier F. van Vlissingen wrote:
This got me the following response from my CPA:

Trial balance explanation is mis-stated. In a TB the Assets, Liabilities, and 
Capital accounts are not 'for the year'.  The amounts for A, L, and C are 
reported as of the date of the TB; income and expense accounts are presented 
for the time frame of the fiscal period being reported on, i.e., for a months, 
three months or for one year.

I am working my way through the rest of this thread. I will get there yet.

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