In case it helps others, here's an update:

I've worked around the problem by (1) downloading
manually from my browser (Norton utilities did not block this) and (2)
editing the installation script install-fq-mods.cmd to skip the download
and go straight to the installation of Perl. Success: "This is perl 5,
version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int"

Then the next problem. Despite the above success message, the script exits
with "Found perl version 0.0, but GnuCash requires at least version 5.8.".
I opened another cmd window, entered "Perl -v" and got the same success
message above. Conclusion: I do have Perl 5.32.1

I worked around this problem by running perl -w gnc-fq-update in a new cmd
window, followed by gnc-fq-check and gnc-fq-helper. And the Security Editor
no longer warns me that finance::quote is not installed.

Looking good!

On Sun, 2 Apr 2023 at 19:59, Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton <> wrote:

> Norton Utilities came with my new Windows 11 computer. GnuCash 4.13 is
> working great and I've migrated my data from the old computer, but there's
> one problem: the script supplied to install finance::quote has failed with
> error message "failed to download perl install file". At the same time,
> Norton Utilities gives a message that it blocked unauthorized access to
> process data, so it looks like Norton is the culprit. Norton says it's just
> an info message and no action is required (!)
> I've tried:
>    - disabling Norton's firewall
>    - disabling Norton's antivirus checks for perl.msi
>    - running the installation script as administrator.
> None of these has helped.
> Has anyone any suggestions for what to try next?
> Ruaraidh
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