Jeff, I couldn't tie my response to what Murugan suggested.

You can use the sum and count on the same spreadsheet.  The Excel command
for count is   =COUNTA(first cell:last cell)   Just put that command in the
cell beneath the sum.

On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 3:29 PM Murugan Muruganandam <> wrote:

> hi Jeff
> I would suggest the best will be to generate the transaction report
> in options
> Account:select all account
> Display: select account name , unselect full name
> Display: Amount as single column
> General: date range and check table for export
> export the report to .xls format and open it in the excel
> from the data make a pivot table at account level as row label and the
> amount as value field (you can make it two times, one for sum and one for
> count)
> after the same you can pick the details for reporting what you need
> Saludos Cordiales
> Murugan
> ________________________________
> From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+m.muruganandam=
>> on behalf of Jeff <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2023 3:43 AM
> To: Gnucash userlist <>
> Subject: [GNC] easy way to total number of transactions and USD ammounts
> The IRS threw me a curve ball this year (imagine that).  One of their
> tax forms went from $600 minimum to you, to $20,000 "AND" more than 200
> transactions in 2022.  Is there someone out there that can hold my hand
> and show me how to export those transactions to a spreadsheet to see if
> we fall into that level at the federal level, since there are no
> reporting features in GNC that total $ and number of transactions, at
> least that I am aware of?  I have not used spreadsheets for much of
> anything since my college days, shall we say decades ago, so rusty is an
> understatement.
> The real kicker is my state sets the minimum at $1,200, period.
> The company involved, has so far refused to provide me with a copy of
> the 1099 involved.  It may or may not meet the federal level but I know
> for a fact that it passes my states $ level of $1,200.
> Don't you just love our tax system in the U.S.A.? NOT!!!!!
> --
> --JEffrey Black M.B.A.
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