
Is your "Get Quotes" button in Gnucash also greyed out?  I had to run
gnc-fq-update in /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin in the
terminal on macOS and let it update and then start Gnucash before the
button became active. Same in windows 11 pro - open a command prompt as
Administrator and use the command perl "C:\Program Files
(x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-update" - you need the double quotes around the
path because of the space in the path. After I did this it all seemed ok.

Hope this helps,

Cheers David H.

On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 at 06:24, Fross, Michael <mich...@fross.org> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm looking for a few pointers on how to troubleshoot an issue I'm having
> with v5 downloading quotes.  I had no issues with v4.13.  When I select
> "Tools|Price Database|GetQuotes" a shell opens and closes quickly and
> nothing is updated.
> I don't seem to have any issues with gnucash-cli.  Here are the results:
> ---
> C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>gnucash-cli.exe --verbose -Q dump
> yahoo_json acn
> acn:
>      isodate => 2023-03-27
>          low => 270.64
>         type => EQUITY
>         name => acn (Accenture plc)
>           pe => 25.180145
>     exchange => Sourced from Yahoo Finance (as JSON)
>          eps => 10.88
>     currency => USD
>       method => yahoo_json
>      success => 1
>       volume => 2805531
>        close => 272
>         date => 03/27/2023
>   year_range =>        242.8 - 345.3
>         last => 273.96
>         open => 270.73
>    div_yield => 1.5919117
>       symbol => acn
>         high => 274.36
> ---
> Running gnucash with the "--log gnc.scm=debug"  shows the following error:
> * 15:11:29 ERROR <gnc.gui> [gnc_prices_dialog_get_quotes_clicked()] Price
> retrieval failed: Failed to parse result returned by Finance::Quote.
> Error message:
> <unspecified file>(1): expected value
> To me, it's odd that gnucash-cli.exe seems to work where the gnucash app
> itself does not.
> I have Finance::Quote: 1.54 installed and it shows this in Help | About
> Lastly, if I check the security editor, it seems like every quote provider
> is greyed out.  This woudl suggest to me that gnucash doesn't think there
> is a valid Finance::Quote configured.
> I'd appreciate any pointers on how to dig deeper and determine what broke
> for me between 4.13 and 5.0.  Is anyone else having issues?
> I'm enjoying v5 quite a bit - congrats on the release.
> Michael
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