On 2/4/23 11:46 AM, David Carlson wrote:
I have occasionally found a stray deposit receipt near an ATM when I was withdrawing cash.  If I carelessly pocketed it with my receipt, I might get a surprise later. The stray would have a different account number on it.  Could this be what happened to you?

On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 8:32 AM Michael Hendry <hendry.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 4 Feb 2023, at 11:58, Jeff <beastmaster...@hotmail.com> wrote:

    > I have discovered several transactions that show up in one
    account but do not show up in any other existing account.
    Regardless of what the bank image shows of where the check was
    > I.E.  I have a deposit slip that shows it went to our checking
    account but never showed up there  (OFX or printed mailed
    statement).  I can not reconcile it so how do  handle it?
    > In other words, I have half of a double entry transaction.  More
    than one, unfortunately.
    > --
    > --JEffrey Black M.B.A.

    Not entirely sure what you mean, Jeffrey.

    Are the transactions you refer to recorded in GNUCash as money
    paid into your account but without a recorded source account? This
    should have a corresponding entry in the Imbalance account,
    automatically created when you put in an unbalanced transaction.

    Did you receive a check which you deposited in your checking
    account and for which your received a receipt from the bank in the
    form of a date-stamp on the deposit slip, but for which there is
    no record in the bank statement (paper or electronic)?

    If yes, then you need to take that up with the bank - was the
    check bounced?

    When you’re reconciling, you’re matching up the bank’s view of the
    world with your own, and can only mark as reconciled the
    transactions which appear in both.


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David Carlson

Easiest example that I can remember off the top of my head is, my wife recently wrote a check from her business account (her weeks wages) and deposited it directly into our personal account.  The OFX import, and statement, from our bank show it but there is no matching transaction in the business account.  Our statement has an image of the check plain as day but there is no match, period, in her business account statement(s).  And what really has me bumfuzzled is both sets of books are reconciled per their respective statements.  And it's not just one transaction involved, there are multiples.  That check did not bounce, it just seemingly like magic appeared in our account out of thin air. Magic money.

For now I have the check recorded as a deposit to our account and withdrawal from Imbalance-USD.  Just wanted to get your input on if that is the best way to handle transactions like that.

Her PayPal dealings are even worse but; that is for a different thread.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.
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