Thanks John,

Will give it a shot later.  GitHub links don't seem to be working for me,
SourceForge is ok.

Cheers David H.

On Mon, 6 Feb 2023 at 05:51, John Ralls <> wrote:

> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.901, the second unstable
> release leading to GnuCash 5.0.
> This is an unstable release for testing purposes. Do not use it with
> production data! Make a copy of your book to test this release.
> New Features
>         • A new Stock Transaction Assistant to guide you through entering
> most investment transactions for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. You can
> access it from Actions>Stock Assistant when you have the Accounts page ora
> Stock or Fund account register open.
>         • A new Investment Lots report showing a graph of capital gains
> and losses in a period by investment lot. Note that if you don't use the
> View Lots dialog to manage capital gains and losses this report won't have
> anything to show you. Use Reports>Assets & Liabilities>Investment Lots to
> see the report.
>         • A new tab on the New/Edit Account dialog called More Properties
> includes entries to set a high and low limit on an account. That's coupled
> to a new column that's available on the Accounts Page, Balance Limit. If
> you set a high or low limit and the account balance falls above or below
> the respective limit an indicator will be shown in the Balance Limit column.
>         • The description field quickfill in the register now displays a
> drop-down list of possible completions instead of just one inline
> completion.
>         • File import menu items for the MT940, MT942, and DTAUS formats
> is replaced with a single Import from AQBanking that supports importing any
> file format supported by AQBanking, including the frequently requested CAMT.
>         • The report generated by the Print Invoice button on the Edit
> Invoice tab can now be configured as a book option at teh bottom of the
> Business tab; this permits selecting a saved configuration of one of the
> standard invoice reports. Another option enables a delay, during which a
> dialog box will appear enabling the user to select a different report.
> Note: When saving a configuration make sure that the invoice number is not
> set or you'll get that particular invoice instead of the one that you
> pressed the button for.
> Between 4.900 and 4.901, the following bugfixes were accomplished:
> The following fixes will also appear in GnuCash 4.14:
>         • Bug 797477 - Manual foreign transaction from APAR to another
> doesn't trigger price input
>         • Bug 797725 - Untranslatable string "For Period Covering ~a to ~a"
>         • Bug 798734 - Aging Reports don't handle mixed currency payments
> and invoices without Trading Accounts
>         • Bug 798737 - Minor grammatical error - 'for' missing in 'You
> will be asked a conversion rate for each.'
>         • Bug 798740 - Build fails with gcc 13
>         • Bug 798747 - Crash in Investment Portfolio report
> The following additional bug fixes are in unstable only:
>         • Bug 753307 - Custom Report be selectable as default Report for
> Printing
> Change the preference in Business->'Report for Printing' to be saved as a
> book property and allow the selection of any Invoice Report to be used as
> the default.
>         • Bug 794028 - CSV import, default to matching full account name
> If the account map doesn't yield a result, try to map the import string
> against existing accounts' full names
>         • Bug 796955 - Import CSV - Single-line two-currency transactions
> can't be imported
>                 • Use a provided price if the transfer account uses a
> different commodity from the base account's; apply it as transfer amount =
> base amount * price.
>                 • Add a transfer amount column option to avoid the
> rounding that might arise from having an inexact price.
>         • Bug 797756 - Currency format setting is ignored
>         • Bug 798292 - csv Import Transactions Ignores Multi-Splits
>         • Bug 798475 - GNCAccountSel could have shortcuts
>         • Bug 798730 - Open report doesn't remember selected accounts over
> restart
>         • Bug 798739 - Advanced Portfolio report fails
> The following fixes and improvements were not associated with bug reports:
>         • Move the Balance Sheet P&L Report out of experimental into
> regular menu.
>         • Rename the Deposit and Withdrawal column labels in the CSV
> import assistant to Amount and Amount(Negated) for clarity when importing
> into something other than a bank account.
>         • Improve muti-currency invoice payment:
>                 • Show proper amount in dialog when applying or editing an
> existing transaction as payment.
>                 • Be more careful not to waste the existing payment split
>                 • If the user changed the payment amount while starting
> from an existing transaction unreconcile the changed payment split
>                 • Avoid needlessly changing transaction currency (only do
> so if the user chose a new transfer account and the old currency is neither
> the new transfer account's currency nor the post account's currency)
> Payment dialog - always list all possible post accounts instead of only
> those in the currency of the selected vendor or customer
>                 • Refuse to continue when a transaction has splits in more
> than one AP/AR account to avoid losing data.
>         • Add widget names to import dialogs so they can be manipulated
> with css
>         • Fix some memory leaks
>         • Ensure original splits are freed in xaccTransRollbackEdit
>         • Add ability to show placeholder and hidden accounts in the
> GNCAccountSel widget to hide placeholder and hidden accounts. By default
> these accounts are hidden, but with the use of a secondary icon a popup
> menu is presented where the list can be configured to show them. Also when
> the GNCAccountSel is set to a specific account with with
> gnc_account_sel_set_account, the placeholder and hidden properties are
> checked and appropriate changes made so the account will be visible.
>         • Wrap function decls in extern "C" in all headers so that they
> can be included without wrapping the include statements.
> New and Updated Translations: French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Russian,
> Ukrainian
> Help translate GnuCash on Weblate.
> Translators note that there is a new project Program-beta on weblate for
> this unstable branch. Having twice the strings causes us to exceed the free
> account limit, but Weblate has so far just warned us about it. If we need
> to change the branch we'll announce it on gnucash-devel.
> Known Problems
> Complete list of all open bugs.
> Documentation
> There have been no documentation changes since 4.900 so continue to use
> that release.
> Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS
> GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS
> 10.13 (High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An
> installer is provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a
> disk image containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.
> GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Instructions for
> installing and running.
> The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:
>         •
> 199defcc8e4381542190069445e495dd5f448249d94ff0719c28b1ff3816090e
> gnucash-4.901.tar.bz2
>         •
> 10743662d03cab2562b272d956c65700498041bfb7135f1a01a6461c6b66d770
> gnucash-4.901.tar.gz
>         •
> 7b66c0a3fcd8e8bdc7f1bf3403d2afe24d450ccf52317a442d22284337fa2805
> gnucash-4.901.setup.exe
>         •
> 87ba9e41aefa5eadf81afb323b4d400aa8a7551a91ddb6c35cd2a0c86dfdb084
> Gnucash-Intel-4.901-1.dmg
>         •
> c81a99d8e9ae287abad1a38f93fdac1a66e27f4f24aed85b25259df30bd1db83
> gnucash-docs-4.901.tar.gz
> Microsoft Windows:
> Apple macOS:
> GnuCash is also available as a flatpak from Instructions for
> installing and running may be found at
> Getting GnuCash as source code
> If you want to compile GnuCash 4.901 for yourself, the source code can be
> downloaded from:
> You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository, see
> for instructions.
> To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at
> least Gtk+ 3.24, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.54, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 1.7.0,
> cmake 3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12. Please consult the README.dependencies file in
> the sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions.
> Getting the documentation
> Note that the documentation for unstable releases is not on the GnuCash
> website. It is built daily and may be found on the development server under
> the locale directory; "C" is English, "de" is German, and so on.
> The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.
> If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 4.900 for yourself, the
> source code can be downloaded from:
> The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.
> About the Program
> GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU
> General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris,
> MacOS, and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its
> first stable release was in 1998.
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