I see nothing on that page that answers the second question. I suppose by 
linking it you meant that there's some Portable Apps policy, but that page 
contains no policies, nor any suggestion that any policies exist.

It may be a standard distribution for some packages, but it's not for 
LibreOffice: Their official Windows downloads are at 
 The page you linked is legitimate and includes an interesting note: 
"LibreOffice is packaged for portable use by PortableApps.com 
<https://portableapps.com/> with permission and assistance from The Document 
Foundation <https://documentfoundation.org/>. For more information and support 
please visit this page 
<https://portableapps.com/apps/office/libreoffice_portable> (for LibreOffice 
Portable Fresh) and this page 
<https://portableapps.com/apps/office/libreoffice-portable-still> (for 
LibreOffice Portable Still).". It seems reasonable that since the PortableApps 
packager works with the LibreOffice devs that the latter would promote it on 
their website, but notice that second sentence: If you need support, go to 
PortableApps. Not that that does any good, because the l
 inked page just points back to 

 I don't know of anyone ever asking permission to package GnuCash for 
PortableApps and a search of the mailing lists turns up only complaints about 
various things not working on PortableApps installations, so I'm pretty 
confident that the PortableApps packager doesn't have permission and completely 
confident in saying that they haven't gotten any assistance.

John Ralls

> On Feb 1, 2023, at 9:17 PM, flywire <flywi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes
> https://portableapps.com/development
> btw, it is a standard distribution format with some packages, eg 
> https://www.libreoffice.org/download/portable-versions/
> On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 13:07, john <jra...@ceridwen.us 
> <mailto:jra...@ceridwen.us>> wrote:
>> Does "just repackages distributions" mean that you believe that they're 
>> using gnucash-4.13-setup.exe from our SourceForge or Github repository? Do 
>> you believe that because that's what you did when you packaged an app, 
>> because you have personal knowledge provided by the GnuCash packager, or 
>> because there's some policy somewhere that says that that's what Portable 
>> Apps packagers must do?

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