Hi David,
Thank you for your detailed response, which is very helpful.I've tried updating 
the Finance::Quote as you suggested, but it appears that some prerequisites are 
missing, so I need to investigate how to install those, and will try again 
tomorrow if I have time. I've downloaded the latest version of Perl, and 
feeling my way with this.
You're right when you say that I ought to upgrade GC to the latest version, and 
I would normally have done that routinely through the versions, but I 
experienced substantial interface changes when I upgraded from 2.6 to 3.5, 
which took a significant amount of time and effort to resolve, so I've feared 
further trauma with subsequent updates and resisted installing them while the 
software has been working well. I will update as soon as I find the time to 
deal with any undesirable consequences!
    On Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 20:12:08 GMT, David H <hell...@gmail.com> 
 You should find some Finance Quote Perl scripts (gnc-fq-check/update/etc) in 
"C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin". You can run these using Perl by opening a 
command prompt and entering for example perl "C:\Program Files 
(x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-check" - you need the quotes around the 
C:\..........check as the path contains a space.  You can read all about it at 
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes.  If your setup is good this will 
display something along the following lines  including the version - 1.5301 in 
my case...
perl "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-check"
("1.5301" "aex" "alphavantage" "amfiindia" "asegr" "asx" "aufunds" "australia" 
"bamosz" "bet" "bloomberg" "bourso" "bse" "bseindia" "canada" "canadamutual" 
"comdirect" "cse" "deka" "dutch" "dwsfunds" "europe" "fetch_live_currencies" 
"fidelity" "fidelity_direct" "finanzpartner" "fondsweb" "fool" "france" 
"ftfunds" "fundata" "fundlibrary" "goldmoney" "greece" "hu" "hufund" "hungary" 
"hustock" "iexcloud" "india" "indiamutual" "known_currencies" "morningstarau" 
"morningstarch" "morningstarjp" "mstaruk" "nasdaq" "nseindia" "nyse" "nzx" 
"onvista" "oslobors" "romania" "seb_funds" "six" "tesouro_direto" "tiaacref" 
"tmx" "tradeville" "treasurydirect" "troweprice" "troweprice_direct" "tsp" 
"ukfunds" "unionfunds" "usa" "yahoo_json" "za")

You can also run perl "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-update" to 
update your Finance Quote - this can take a few minutes, like 5 - 10, and quite 
a bit of scrolling :-)
Check your perl version by running "perl -v" in a command prompt - eg...
perl -v

This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for 

Copyright 1987-2021, Larry Wall

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl".  If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.

You also mention you're running Gnucash 3.5 - this was released in April 2019 
by the look of things so is well out of date and we are now up to 4.12 with 
lots of bug fixes and enhancements in that time so I suggest the first thing 
you should be looking at is upgrading to the current version 4.12. I'm not sure 
but you may have to download 4.0 first and install that before you install 4.12 
as from memory there were some significant changes in 4.0 and it takes a little 
while on first opening your gnucash file with this version while it does things 
initially and can even look like it's hung? Do a google search on 
"site:lists.gnucash.org upgrade" if you want to research the upgrade details.
Cheers David H.  

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