Good morning,

To add to what Gyle said, even though I recently made a mildly
successful attempt to get aqbanking working with Bank of the West
(BOW), I have decided to stick with downloading monthly qfx files that
match my pdf statements.  In addition to Gyle's reasons, what I like
about this is:

- OFX direct connect support for non-Quicken applications is iffy.
The old ofxhome info for BOW does not work, and I had to get the
client id from the quicken logs. BOW tech support was unhelpful.

- BOW seems to only support an old version of the OFX protocol (I was
hoping to get check images using OFX 2.0).

- The downloaded qfx files provide a way to reconstruct my accounts
should anything go wrong with my gnucash db.

- If I detect in the reconcile that I messed something up, the
matching statements help me resolve the issue.

-- Glenn S.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 7:30 AM Gyle McCollam <> wrote:
> Shiv,
> I also should have mentioned that I stopped using Aqbanking because too many 
> of my financial institutions won't work with it.  I have found that going to 
> the financial institutions' websites, which I do on a regular basis anyway, 
> and downloading the transactions in the desired format and then importing 
> into Gnu Cash works just as well with the added benefit of not having 
> passwords stored in yet another piece of software.  For security reasons, I 
> like having my passwords stored in Bitwarden only, my password manager.
> Thank You,
> Gyle McCollam
> Gyle McCollam
><>           email
> ________________________________
> From: gnucash-user <> on 
> behalf of Shiv Jhawar <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2022 8:28 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] GnuCash Tools>Online Banking Setup NOT working for me
> Hello,
> Please help.
> I am using for the first time:
> GnuCash Version: 4.12
> Build ID: 4.12+(2022-09-24)
> I select: Tools>Online Banking Setup> Start Online Banking Setup> Start
> AQBanking Setup> OFX-DirectConnect backend>Run>Bank Name>Select a bank
> (matching banks NOT shown when I type in Bank of America)
> I am not able to setup  Bank of America Checking account for Actions>Online
> Actions>Get Transactions despite hours of efforts. "Not Responding" shows
> up whenever I make any selection from the top menu.
> I followed this link:
> Bank Name: Bank of America
> FID: 5959
> Server URL:
> User Name: Shiv Jhawar
> User ID: sjhawar7
> Client UID
> The user has been successfully setup. You can now try to retrieve the list
> of accounts...
> Enter Password: I entered my password
> Requesting Account List:
> Screen pops up showing:
> 07:08:04 Sending request...
> 07:08:05 Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
> 07:08:05 TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.2:ECDHE-RSA-AES-128-GCM:AEAD
> 07:08:05 Waiting for response...
> 07:08:05 Parsing response...
> 07:08:05 Status for signon request: *General error (Code 2000, severity
> "ERROR")*
> Error other than those specified by the remaining error codes. (Note:
> Servers should provide a more specific error whenever possible. Error code
> 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a more specific code is not
> available.)
> 07:08:05 Status for account info request: General error (Code 2000,
> severity "ERROR")
> Error other than those specified by the remaining error codes. (Note:
> Servers should provide a more specific error whenever possible. Error code
> 2000 should be reserved for cases in which a more specific code is not
> available.)
> 07:08:05 Operation finished, you can now close this window.
> Please *see attached screenshots.*
> *I get the following error:*
> *Error on executing job*
> *Status:enqueued (1)*
> Have a peaceful day!
> Thanks -
> Shiv
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