On 2022-08-14 14:42, John Ralls wrote:

We got a bug report,https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=798599, this 
morning reporting that currency exchange rates aren't working.

After a bit of fiddling I got an intelligible error message:
   Thank you for using Alpha Vantage! This is a premium endpoint. You may 
subscribe to any of the premium plans athttps://www.alphavantage.co/premium/  
to instantly unlock all premium endpoints.

The cheapest one is $50/month. I don't think anyone here will find that 
attractive. Finance Quote offers three other sources for exchange rates but it 
will take a bit of work on our scripts to make that accessible to GnuCash. In 
the meantime anyone needing currency exchange rates will have to get them from 
the web and create prices manually.

Thank you, John.  I too noticed the problem retrieving rates. It is nice to have an explanation. Maybe AlphaVantage just recently reclassified this API endpoint from free to premium.

Looking at the AlphaVantage API documentation, I see that the CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE function[1] is (now) marked "Premium", but the FX_DAILY function[2] is not. It looks like Finance::Quote is using the former[3].

I just tried using both endpoints, using my free API key. I see the same error message you cite for CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE, but I got a response for FX_DAILY.

Could Finance::Quote and GnuCash switch to using FX_DAILY? I would be delighted if one call to Get Quotes in GnuCash gave me 100 days of exchange rate history!

I opened an issue #229 "AlphaVantage.co function CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE no longer accepts free API keys." with Finance::Quote in Github[4].

Example of exercising the AlphaVantage API functions with a free API key (elided here):

    "Information": "Thank you for using Alpha Vantage! This is a premium 
endpoint. You may subscribe to any of the premium
    plans athttps://www.alphavantage.co/premium/  to instantly unlock all premium 
    "Meta Data": {
        "1. Information": "Forex Daily Prices (open, high, low, close)",
        "2. From Symbol": "EUR",
        "3. To Symbol": "USD",
        "4. Output Size": "Compact",
        "5. Last Refreshed": "2022-08-15 03:00:00",
        "6. Time Zone": "UTC"
    "Time Series FX (Daily)": {
        "2022-08-15": {
            "1. open": "1.02570",
            "2. high": "1.02683",
            "3. low": "1.02380",
            "4. close": "1.02470"
        "2022-08-14": {


        "2022-03-28": {
            "1. open": "1.09938",
            "2. high": "1.11363",
            "3. low": "1.09705",
            "4. close": "1.09938"

[1] <https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/#currency-exchange>
[2] <https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/#fx-daily>
[3] <https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/blob/0cfaced5ca98e7cd01ede237a73d3a70f40e2403/lib/Finance/Quote/CurrencyRates/AlphaVantage.pm#L56>
[4] <https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote/issues/229>
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