My data file is so big that it seems to tie up 1.5 gigs of Ram or more when
open, so most of my computers cannot run a web browser simultaneously with
GnuCash without using swap space and grinding down to a crawl.  Even on my
highest performance machines it takes several seconds to save but I usually
do it before starting any activity that will take more than a few minutes.

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 1:43 PM David T. via gnucash-user <> wrote:

> Adrien,
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> It would seem to me that Finish/Ctrl-S is pretty reduced.
> I currently have about 12 tabs open. 10 registers, the CoA, and one report
> (granted, it's a multicolumn report).
> Saving after every edit is a remarkably annoying idea, especially given
> how long each save takes. I won't be doing that.
> As for a backup, I'm not sure why I'd go to a backup. The problem doesn't
> always happen, so I don't believe it's a problem with data corruption. I'm
> trying to move forward with my books, not backward.
> Nothing is holding me back from 4.11.
> David
> On July 19, 2022 3:57:55 PM GMT+03:00, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
> >First, I'd reduce the steps before trying to save as a way of narrowing
> down the trigger of the crash.
> >
> >If you normally have many tabs open, particularly reports, perhaps
> consider closing everything but the CoA, and then keep only the register
> you need at one time.
> >
> >Since it is so easy to do, perhaps saving after each new transaction or
> edit?
> >
> >Then try reconciling. Then save. (does that reconcile still take longer
> than usual?)
> >
> >Do you have a backup, or recall at what point your file didn't crash?
> >
> >Anything holding you back from 4.11? I don't see anything particularly
> noted for solving a crash of this type in the release notes, but perhaps
> programming fixes were made that *might* avoid this issue.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Adrien
> >
> >On 7/19/22 7:21 AM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I'm running GC4.10 on Win10, and I've been running into numerous
> crashes in the last few days while trying to catch up on my finances.
> Ironically, many of these crashes happen when I attempt to save my file.
> >>
> >> My usual workflow when catching up is to open the pdf bank statement
> and work through it to catch any omitted transactions, which I then enter
> into GC. After entering the transactions, I will then perform a reconcile
> for the account. Upon completing the reconciliation, I save my file. Over
> the last two days, GnuCash has crashed several times when I Ctrl-S at this
> point to save the file. (When I say crashed, I mean GnuCash simply
> disappears from the task bar, and a restart gives the usual file lock
> errors). This is, to say the least, frustrating.
> >>
> >> I have checked the trace files for the days in question, but there is
> nothing that seemingly refers to the crash. The trace mostly contains
> thousands of iterations of:
> >>
> >> * 13:32:51  WARN <qof> [gnc_numeric_to_decimal()] Rounding required
> when 'never round' specified.
> >>
> >> As for what I might be doing to cause the crashes, I really can't say,
> but I wonder if there is a conflict that happens when I click "Finish" in
> the reconciliation and then click Ctrl-S shortly after. I have noticed on
> my machine that there is a noticeable delay in the program between when I
> finish the reconciliation and when the program returns control to my input.
> (There's actually noticeable delays in *everything* I do in GnuCash on my
> machine, which is another issue that may or may not be related to my
> machine). I wonder if the software crashes because Ctrl-S interrupts the
> reconcile closing process, and leaves something corrupted.
> >
> >
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