
On Mon, May 9, 2022 12:57 pm, Westshire Realty wrote:
> Small business (2  mac users) wishing to share a gnucash db over network
> share volume.  Question is what are the respective do’s and donts.
> Would one application AND data file(s) installed on shared volume work
> best. What happens to application support files usually found in library
> folder of individual device?
>  Prefer to avoid maintaining two separate apps intalled on devices and
> sharing just the data file.
> Is gnucash capable of being launched from the shared volume?

On a MAC, the application is fully contained, so yes, it could be run off
a shared fileserver.  Although I don't understand your concern with having
it installed on both machines.

The main gotcha is that only one person can have the data file open at a
time.  This means you will need to coordinate "who is running GnuCash" at
any particular moment.

> Your thoughts?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bart

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
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       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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