Hi Shevach,


All you’ve done is removed the Start Menu shortcut.


If you open File Explorer and navigate to see if you have a folder called 
C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin and within that a file called gnucash.exe. 
If you have then the GnuCash software is installed in the normal default 
location. If not then the location will have been specified by you when you 
installed it.


If it is installed on your C: drive then just try double clicking gnucash.exe 
to see if it opens.


Let us know what happens.




Alan A Holmes


From: Shevach Pepper <sheva...@gmail.com> 
Sent: 11 April 2022 16:55
To: Alan A Holmes <gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Problem reinstalling


Oops! I think I did something wrong.

I did like you said and I found the shortcut but I didn't go into the 
properties I just deleted it.

Now when I typed in the start menu "gnu" it doesn't show anything.

I tried to reinstall it and I get the same message as before:


On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 18:21, Alan A Holmes <gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk 
<mailto:gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk> > wrote:

Hi Shevach,


If you get that message when you try to install V 4.10 then that means the 
system believes V4.8 is already there. 


Did you let it try to uninstall GnuCash V4.8? If so what happened?


If you cancelled the install of GnuCash V4.10 then if you find the shortcut for 
GnuCash, either on the desktop or under the start menu, look at the properties. 
That will tell you where it was installed.




I have to say that if your data was on the memory card, and you did not have a 
backup, then you’ve likely lost it.



Alan A Holmes


From: Shevach Pepper <sheva...@gmail.com <mailto:sheva...@gmail.com> > 
Sent: 11 April 2022 12:43
To: Alan A Holmes <gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk <mailto:gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk> 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Problem reinstalling


Hi Alan,

Wow! Thanks so much for getting back to me.

I have windows 10.

I think I had it all on the memory card since I can't find any files on  my 
computer in File explorer.

This is the message I get when I try to install gnucash4.10 so it looks like I 
had 4.8.




בתאריך יום ב׳, 11 באפר' 2022, 10:27, מאת Alan A Holmes 
‏<gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk <mailto:gnuc...@alanaholmes.me.uk> >:

Hi Shevach,

What OS and version of OS are you using (I suspect Windows as your using Mail 
for Windows) and what version of GnuCash were you using?

Did you have the GnuCash software installed on the memory card, or the data 
file, or both? The answer and advice may/will be different.

Alan A Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+gnucash=alanaholmes.me...@gnucash.org 
<mailto:alanaholmes.me...@gnucash.org> > On Behalf Of Sh. Pepper
Sent: 10 April 2022 11:23
To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 
Subject: [GNC] Problem reinstalling

   Hello there,

   I have a problem that I had the gnucash installed on a memory card and
   the memory card was lost.

   I tried to reinstall it but I got the following message


   So now I’m stuck I don’t have the old copy and I can’t even start anew.

   Can someone please help me

   Thank you very very much


   Sent from [1]Mail for Windows


   1. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986

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