Thanks for taking the time to reply.  It is appreciated.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2022, at 7:26 AM, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 4/6/2022 3:53 PM, Ed Reeder wrote:
>> Example:
>> I have previously entered a check into gnucash:
>> Num=205, Description=Smith Plumbing, Withdrawal=100.00
>> My bank's OFX  transaction has:
>>     <TRNAMT>-100.00
>>     <CHECKNUM>205
>>     <NAME>CHECK # 205
>> When I import the OFX file and and match its transaction with the previously 
>> entered check transaction the "Smith Plumbing" gets overwritten with "CHECK 
>> # 205".
>> Is there a way to preserve the "Smith Plumbing" and not have it overwritten? 
>>  (It is a pain to go back and reenter the payee's name on each check).
> This might be an opportunity to see how an analyst might approach the 
> problem. I do n not import OFX transactions, know nothing about them. 
> That being the case I would ..
> a) FIRST make a copy of you books before the import. You might give that 
> a name of test. You are going to work with THAT file so as not to mess 
> up your "production" data. Each time before the trials I am going to 
> suggest you make a reserve cop of that test file. I suspect it is going 
> to take multiple trials.
> b) Same with the OFX file you are trying to import. You are going to be 
> editing it perhaps multiple times so you want a clean original each time.
> c) You can see that is happening. The "<name>CHECK # XXX" is overwriting 
> what you had in the name field. For your first trial, see what happensĀ  
> if you make than <NAME>" (in other words, NOTHING (null) there. My guess 
> is that this is;t going to do what you want , but it might. For you next 
> trial, eliminate that entire line form the transaction. In other words, 
> nothing between <CHECKNUM>xxx and </STMTTRN>
> Of course ACTUALLY I'd not do it it trail and error but would look up 
> the definition of the bank's OFX transaction to find out if <name> is 
> optional or not.
> Michael D Novack
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