
There's no way to know the user didn't intend to keep the new sub account out of the report.

Certainly, the assumption should never be made to automatically include it.

The best implementation I can think of would be to check if new accounts have been added since report last run, and then ask the user.

But that's expensive code for 'what if'.

I don't think there is a clean solution, but the pain might be lessened with an easier custom report system. Unfortunately, that won't be possible for some time.


On 3/22/22 9:00 PM, David T. via gnucash-user wrote:
My experience matches that of George, and I don't see how changing the levels 
could gather a new account into the report.

The issue has been raised before recently, although I couldn't track it down. 
Short of rewriting the report code to re-evaluate the account set every time a 
report is run, I can't see how to fix the problem-- and even then, how would 
gnucash know when a given account should be added to any given report or not?

There are plenty of use cases where a saved report includes a subset of 
accounts on purpose-- for example, when one wants a report that includes 
expenses for an isolated cost area (think rental properties). I might even 
hazard a guess that this would be one of the primary features of saved report 
configurations. The lists here have countless threads advising users to do just 
that. So automatically adding new subaccounts to existing reports could be 
detrimental for many users with saved reports.

That's not to say that I haven't wished for some way to automate this aspect. I 
just don't see how you would implement it.

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