It is finally working.  Tried the “gnc-fq-dump -v yahoo_json XOM” command a few 
times and always got same “Internal Server” error.  Tried “sudo cpan” to start 
download of Mozilla::CA process with same results stating “ running another 
cpan process” despite finding no cpan running processes in Activity Monitor and 
eventually using “sudo killall cpan”.  Finally just told it to overwrite the 
lock file.  Once that was done, ran the “install Mozilla::CA” command which it 
did and after that quote download worked.  I’ve attached the Terminal dump in 
case you are interested.  Again, I appreciate all your help and patience and 
David R’s help

On Feb 11, 2022, at 15:12, John Ralls 
<<>> wrote:


Please remember to copy the list on all replies.

No, "internal server error" indicates that something went wrong on 
Alphavantage's end. Try again after a few minutes or using yahoo_json instead:

 Applications/ -v yahoo_json XOM

John Ralls

On Feb 11, 2022, at 1:38 PM,<> 


Ran gnc-fq-check.  Version 1.51 no errors.  The example in Wiki showed an error 
message about a missing Mozilla/  Since no error I didn’t run Mozilla::CA 
update figuring I had certificates and that wasn’t the current problem.
Ran gnc-fq-dump for stock XOM with result indicating the Alphavantage key was 

dwa1@dwa1 ~ % /Applications/ -v 
alphavantage XOM
ERROR: ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY *must* be set for currency quotes and
stock quotes with source 'alphavantage' or 'vanguard'; see
dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

However, in checking GC Preferences, Online quotes, the Alpha Vantage API Key 
is there.  So I tried using it in the Helper dump script per the WIKI:
/Applications/ -v alphavantage 
XOM” with the following Terminal results:

/Applications/ -v alphavantage XOM
Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
   symbol: XOM (deduced)        <=== required
     date: ** missing **        <=== recommended
 currency: ** missing **        <=== required
     last: **missing**          <=\
      nav: **missing**          <=== one of these
    price: **missing**          <=/
 timezone:                      <=== optional

** This stock quote cannot be used by GnuCash!

All fields returned by Finance::Quote for stock XOM

stock           field  value
-----           -----  -----
XOM          errormsg: Internal Server Error
XOM              last: **missing**
XOM               nav: **missing**
XOM             price: **missing**
XOM           success: 0

dwa1@dwa1 ~ %

So even though I have the Alphavantage key in place, it is somehow not being 
seen and appears to be the current problem.


john jralls at<>
Fri Feb 11 00:01:27 EST 2022

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You can examine the running processes in /Applications/Utilities/Actiivity 
Monitor and kill them from there, or you can just nuke the lot with
 sudo killall cpan
if you're reasonably sure that there shouldn't be any left running.

John Ralls

Attachment: Install Mozilla--CA 2-12-22.pdf
Description: Install Mozilla--CA 2-12-22.pdf

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