I'm a new user trying to setup gnucash to track investments. I've read through 
the documentation, googled etc, but haven't really seen this addressed, so want 
to make sure I'm not missing something.
Say I have multiple mutual funds, FUNDA, FUNDB, FUNDC etc.  And I have a 
brokerage account with several accounts - IRA, Spouse IRA, Non IRA etc.

I think my account list should look like:Investments    Brokerage        
Brokerage - non IRA            Mutual Funds                   FUNDA             
        Brokerage - IRA 
            Mutual Funds                   FUNDA                   FUNDB
       Brokerage - Spouse IRA            Mutual Funds                   FUNDA   
             To create that I need to use the Security Editor to createthen for 
each created fund, create multiple sub-accounts for each brokerage account that 
holds that fund.
I think I need the separate sub-accounts so I can do reports that sub-total 
share count and value based on the fund name, but it seems like a lot of 
editing. Also creating all these sub-accounts seems like over time will make 
the account list very difficult to scroll through to select accounts for 
source/destinations of future transactions.
Any guidance in how to set this up, or pointers on where to read up more on 
this would be appreciated.Thanks,
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