For what it's worth, I went to the wiki page that another David (how many of us 
subscribe to this list!?!?) referenced. At the top of that page are links for 
outside projects on and Git. The first takes you to a list of 
40 projects; the second to a listing of 578. I'm not evaluating what those 
projects are or claim to do, but it seems to me that there are potentially a 
lot of resources already shared in those places. 

-------- Original Message --------
From: Robin Lake <>
Sent: Fri Dec 31 15:33:36 EST 2021
Subject: Re: [GNC] A repository for user-contributed files

Dave --

Thank you for making the storage area available. I hope it gets usage.

~ Robin

On 12/31/2021 3:14 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Dec 2021 at 05:59, Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for the link, and I'll take a look, but I am curious...
>> Why not just post that info on the Wiki in that place?
>> What happens if your company site goes down/dark?
>> Do the various tips not still apply to GnuCash which has no relation to
>> your company?
>> Are you opposed to sharing your tips and tricks with the broader GnuCash
>> community?
>> Do you mind if they are posted on the GnuCash wiki directly?
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
> I think if you take a look, you will realise that the intension was to
> share them, requesting others to take backups, in case I die and the
> website goes down. So I was obviously not expecting them to be specific to
> my company, the fact I was requesting others to take backups.
> Sending an email to this list, adding an entry to the Wiki were all
> mentioned.
> When I asked about a repository, I was told one didn’t exist. Someone
> suggested GIT, someone else mentioned the ownership of git.
> I was just offering some storage area if it was wanted.
> Dave

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