On 12/22/2021 6:20 AM, Patrick Skelton wrote:
Just when I was thinking I had accumulated all the pieces of the jigsaw I
need, I discovered the A/R account.

I have a shop that charges 50% margin on whatever they sell. So, if they
sell one candle for £12 then I will invoice them only for £6. They get 30
days credit, so ideally I'd use the A/R system. I've played around with
this and it seems to do what I expect to the Balance Sheet and Profit &
Loss Report except for one thing: I seem to lose any record of the 50% of
the total sales value that they have taken.

There is a Discount column in the invoice but this doesn't seem to show up
anywhere in the accounts. I'd like to have some record of the money I am
'losing' in sales commission, maybe as an expense.

The fact that THEY are selling the candle for  £12 has nothing to do with you (and your books). You are selling it to them for £6

Correct me if I m wrong, but is this a situation where you are selling both "retail" and "wholesale"? And that this is making you perceive that you are "losing" the difference between the wholesale price and the retail price? Why? What is the ratio of your sales, wholesale vs retail? Suppose that it were instead 100% wholesale? Would your perception of "loss" still make sense?

<< please note -- these are questions for you to think bout, not give us answers to >>

Now suppose the other way around, your business is mostly retail. They you might make provisions for a "discount" of 50% for select customers. Since I don't use the business features, I can't help with how you set that us on the invoice.

I do understand why you see this as a "commissions" expense, but you are giving up ownership of the stock to them. At least I think that is how you have set things up. In the possible case that you have set things up that they can return stock (along with partial payment of the invoice; what portion sold) then that is a different situation. I do not know what is customary for that sort of business so I strongly suggest you go through business accounting texts till you find that specific example.

Michael D Novack

PS -- there are a couple other sorts of (standard) business arrangements for which I haven't a clue what is customary. For example, I know that businesses that sell "on approval" usually send invoices, but they expect some if not often all to be "returns".

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