That may be so, but it's news to me. I've been in the tech business for a long 
time, but I've done my best to avoid Windows as much as possible (long boring 
story why I'm on it now). Might work on Linux too for all I know. Most apps 
I've used default to reasonable column widths (including the somewhat dated 
gnucash I was using on Debian until recently).

Dec. 13, 2021 18:40:43 Kalpesh Patel <>:

> I believe double clicking on the right side divider line of a column to
> resize best fit for the largest content in that column is known practice in
> PC world since ages (I recall being able to do so since text based Lotus 123
> times when mouse navigation was introduced in DOS mode) and behavior is
> universal on most, if not all, applications on PC. This also holds true for
> bottom row divider in most, if not all, applications on PC (at least on
> Windows for sure) where it resizes best fit for the highest content size in
> that column.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 22:22:01 -0600
> From: Adrien Monteleone <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] How to fix zero-length register column?
> Message-ID: <sp6hp9$fk5$>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> I could be mistaken, but I'm fairly certain you don't have to 'stumble'
> on that 'trick' or any other as it is a designed feature. It should be
> documented in Help or the Guide. There is a section devoted to resizing
> columns.
> There was some work done on setting widths for all 'similar' registers, but
> I think it was reverted due to bugs. I think it is still currently available
> for Bills/Invoices, however. (by 'similar' registers, I mean by main GnuCash
> type, thus, you could set all 'asset' registers with certain particular
> column widths, and those widths could be different for 'liability',
> 'equity', 'income' or 'expense' registers)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 12/12/21 6:06 PM, Ron Hunter-Duvar wrote:
>> Thanks, David. Somehow I never stumbled across the double-click trick.
>> It resizes to the smaller of the header text or the column contents,
>> so it still makes "Tot Withdrawal" unnecessarily wide, and for some
>> reason on Description it pushes the right-most parts out of the
>> window, introducing a horizontal scroll bar. I think it must assume
>> the window is full screen instead of using the actual window size. But
>> it reduces it to only a couple of columns I need to manually resize,
>> so it's an improvement.
>> Now if only it would set all registers at once (at least as an option)
>> and not change them after I set them. Hey, I can dream.
>> Ron
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