On Mon, 13 Dec 2021 at 20:36, Dustin Henning <gcul...@mynym.us> wrote:

> I don't know if one exists already or not, but assuming no, one path
> forward might be GitHub (or a competing non-Microsoft git service that
> also has a decent web interface).  I am operating under the assumption
> that some such service is free or has a reasonable free tier.  This
> would allow for multiple maintainers and the ability for people to
> submit reports from their own repositories.  It would also allow for
> resuscitation via a fork if all active maintainers stopped contributing
> around the same time.  One big drawback would likely be that GitHub
> doesn't seem very user-friendly for users that aren't in it regularly.

I agree about the user interface to github. There's some alternatives to
github here.


I don't know how you square the circle of allowing multiple people to
upload files, but avoiding rootkits and the like.

If some open-source alternative could be found, it would probably be
possible to run the code on a free AWS instance. if a script was run to

a) Make files read only
b) Strip off the execute bit

it should prevent someone over-writing files, or trying to execute their

Given the size of the files, it should be possible for multiple people to
make backups on a regular basis. So if the maintainer drops dead, no data
is lost.

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