You want Reports>Experimental>Income Statement (multicolumn)

On the Options>General tab, set the Period Duration to 'One Month' and on the Accounts tab, deselect all but the Expense accounts.

You can also add a Total column via "If more than 1 period column, include overall period?" on the General Tab.

Additionally, that looks very much like a Budget Report. (but with only the 'actuals' columns, not the budget or variance columns)

You'd have to create a Budget to get one to run though. I don't think you need to put in any budget figures however. (there is a function to estimate them based on transaction history, if you want to play with the module anyway) Simply hide the 'budget' and 'variance' columns in the report options.


On 12/12/21 10:43 PM, Daniel Torstenson wrote:

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm trying to
create a report like the one enclosed. It seems very similar to something I
can create with the "Transaction Report", but I can't quite get it. So this
report shows the amount spent in each of the expense subaccounts, broken
down by month. But for each higher-level account, it shows the sum of all
subaccounts (in bold in the enclosed report).

I can set up a Transaction Report to show all the subaccounts, but without
all the higher-level sums.

I figured I could just create two separate reports instead. One that has
only the individual subaccounts and one that has only the top-level expense
accounts (Food, Housing, etc.) But I actually couldn't figure out how to do
that second report, either. So I'm turning to you. Any ideas?


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