Op zondag 12 december 2021 21:01:20 CET schreef Dr. David Kirkby:
> On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 at 19:17, R. Victor Klassen <rvklas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Normally the first transaction you would enter would be the payment, and
> > then the refund later.
> Unfortunately the  payment was made in the last month of our previous
> financial year, which ended 28th February 2021.  I am only intending to put
> into GnuCash this financial year's transactions. which started 1st March
> 2021. Records of earlier transactions will remain in spreadsheets, as it
> would be too time-consuming to enter everything into GnuCash. As such, I
> don't have a payment to associate this with.
> I could not think of anything better than just putting this as
> Income -> Other income.
> If you have any better suggestions, feel free to make them.
Outstanding payments from previous fiscal years are typically recorded under 
>Opening Balances.

By formally recording the payment using the business menus, it will appear in 
all relevant 
business reports.


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