One quirk I noticed about opening balances is that that account seemed to be 
locked. When setting up a new account you could set the opening balances, but 
you couldn't change them later. I had to go into the account editor and unlock 
the opening balances account.


On 2021 Sep 26, at 09-26 17:43:21, Jack Frillman via gnucash-user 
<> wrote:


I switched from Moneydance as you did about six months ago. The conversion went 
fine for me except the account balances were off. To correct for that I just 
went to each account that was off and entered an opening balance, at the very 
beginning of the ledger, for the amount that was it off by and then everything 
was fine and has been fine since then.

Hope that helps.

If you have any question regarding switchin form Moneydace to GNUCash you ask 
me directly if you wish since I have doe the same conversion.


On 9/25/21 9:59 PM, Steve Welch via gnucash-user wrote:
> Hi!
> I’m just getting started with GnuCash and have imported my QIF file from 
> Moneydance.  Excited to take it for a spin!
> My question is regarding beginning (opening) account balances.  Moneydance 
> has an opening balance field in the account setup window, but evidently that 
> field isn’t accessible in GnuCash unless setting up a new account.
> The problem I seem to be having is that the beginning balances that had been 
> in Moneydance did not import into Gnu, so my accounts are off.
> I am figuring I can manually enter an opening balance transaction for each 
> account but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing a more elegant (or obvious) 
> solution.
> Thanks,
> Steve
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