You can do a similar thing directly in the transaction report - select your
accounts on the Accounts tab and then on the filter tab the "Transaction
Filter" will let you filter on Description / Notes / Memo, filter
dates/period on the General tab, etc.  Just doesn't let you filter on
amounts within a range it seems.

Cheers David H.

On Mon, 6 Sept 2021 at 17:21, Geoff <> wrote:

> Hi Jeff
> Once you have located the transactions via one or more searches, from
> the Search Results window, choose Reports / Account Report.
> It will generate a report showing all those transactions, with Debit and
> Credit totals at the end.
> The only way I can suggest to count the number of transactions is to
> copy and paste the report into a spreadsheet.
> See attached screenshot.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards
> Geoff
> =====
> On 6/09/2021 4:58 pm, Jeff wrote:
> > I'm sure this has been asked before but I can not find an answer.
> >
> > I frequently need to do a search (alt-f) for specific transactions and
> > need to know how much was spent (number of  transactions would be
> > helpful in many instances).  By any possible search parameters.  Is
> > there a way to display the $ amounts found (number of transactions would
> > be greatly helpful to) or is there a report I am overlooking.
> >
> > I.E. search for all transactions containing notes, memo, description for
> > "Blah blah corp" dates 02/23/2021 to today, account "Worthless expense",
> > dollar amount greater or equal to $20.
> >
> > It is mainly the number of transactions and dollar total I am looking
> for.
> >
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